Psychosexual Disorders Flashcards
What are the 4 main types of sexual dysfunction?
Problems with:
Sexual drive
Identify the common types of problems in each type of sexual dysfunction, differentiating between men and women
Sexual drive
- Male: low libido, hypersexuality
- Female: low libido
- Male: erectile dysfunction
- Female: failure of genital response
- Male: premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation
- Female: anorgasmia
- Male: dyspareunia
- Female: dyspareunia, vaginismus
Give some underlying causes of low libido
- Childhood sexual abuse New onset may be related to: • Physical illness • Medication • Relationship problems • Childbirth
Outline the management for low libido
Treatment is mainly psychological and communication based (sex education if appropriate):
• Sensate Focus Therapy
• Timetabling Sex
o Helps partners with different libidos reach a compromise
What are the 4 steps of sensate focus therapy?
- Intercourse is banned
- Non-genital caressing (focus on pleasure and relaxation)
- Genital touching to achieve arousal and subsequent orgasm
- In time, intercourse occurs naturally
Give some underlying causes for hypersexuality
Important to exclude:
• Mania
• Substance misuse
• Organic brain disorders (e.g. frontal lobe syndrome)
Outline he management for hypersexuality
- CBT-based treatments
* Can also use SSRI’s, GnRH therapies and anti-androgens
Give the main organic and psychological causes of erectile dysfunction
• Diabetes
• Arteriosclerosis
• Neurological (e.g. autonomic neuropathy)
• Pituitary failure
• Medication (antidepressants, antipsychotics, antihypertensives, beta-blockers and diuretics)
• Substance misuse
• Depression
• Performance anxiety
Differentiate between the clinical features of physical and psychological erectile dysfunction
- Physical: older, psychological: younger
- Physical: gradual, psychological: sudden
Any erections?
- Physical: no, psychological: yes (early morning, masturbation)
Risk factors
- Physical: smoking, obesity, hypertension, alcohol, psychological: alcohol
Outline some investigations for erectile dysfunction
o Physical examination including genitals (usually normal)
o Blood tests
• Testosterone and sex hormone (may see low testosterone/hyperprolactinaemia)
• Glucose (diabetes)
• LFTs/GGT (alcohol misuse)
Outline the management of erectile dysfunction
Modifiable Risk Factors
• Stop smoking, exercise, reduce weight and alcohol
• Treat diabetes, hypertension etc.
• Review medication (e.g. changing antidepressant medication to mirtazapine)
Psychological Approaches
Physical Treatments
• Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (e.g. sildenafil (viagra))
• Intracavernosal prostaglandin self-injections before intercourse
• Dome, pump, ring: Plastic dome and pump placed over the penis creating a vacuum to produce an erection. This is maintained by slipping a tight ring around the base of the penis
Outline the causes and treatment for a failure of genital response in women
Due to lack of lubrication causing pain on vaginal penetration
Causes: psychological, infection, menopausal atrophic vaginitis
Treatment: psychological approaches, lubricating gels, HRT
Outline the management of anorgasmia
o Sex education may resolve anorgasmia if women or their partners are unaware of this (e.g many women need direct clitoral stimulation)
o Self-exploration, masturbation and sensate focus therapy
Outline the management of premature ejaculation
o Improves with practice
o Squeezing the glans postpones orgasm
o SSRIs can help
Give some causes and management of delayed ejaculation
(Delayed or absent male orgasm)
o Can be physical (e.g. SSRIs) or psychological (e.g. fear of conception)
o TREATMENT: psychotherapy, advice on varying sexual techniques and medication review