[Psychopathology] Topic 4 - Behavioural approach to explaining phobias Flashcards
Mowrer- Two process model
- Mowrer proposed the two-process model to explain phobias. The first process is classical conditioning. This explains how a phobia is acquired.
- If initially neutral stimulus is paired with UCS that produces an UCR of fear then the NS will become a CS and produce a fear as a CR whenever its presented.
Example: - Little Albert: Watson, NSRat —> UCS Loud bang = CR of fear. After making this pairing 4 times little Albert produce a CR of fear. The rat would then produce the CS of fear on its own
How are Phobias maintained?
Operant conditioning:
- This explains why phobias are maintained. If fear is lowered by avoiding the phobic stimulus then avoidance behaviour becomes a negative reinforcer.
- E.g afraid of dogs, if avoiding makes u feel relaxed then you’ll avoid dogs more often.
Evaluation 1 :
- The two process model is supported by research asking people about their phobias.
- Sue et al found some people can recall a specific event that led to their phobia developing.
- For example Sue et al found that agoraphocics are more likely to explain their phobia in terms of a specific event.
- This shows that classical conditioning can be involved in developing phobias
Evaluation 2:
- One limitation of the two-process model is that a phobia does not always develop after a traumatic incident
- For example DiNardo et al found that not everyone who is bitten by a dog develops a phobia of dogs.
- The diathesis-model says we inherit a genetic vulnerability for developing mental disorders, but a disorder will only manifest itself if triggered by a life event.
- This suggests a dog bite will only lead to a phobia in people with such a vulnerability