Psychopathology: OCD Flashcards
Explanations and Treatments
What are the 3 Biological Explanations of OCD?
Brain Structure
Genetic Explanations
Neurotransmitters Explanation of OCD
Low levels of serotonin have been found in people with OCD
- said to play a very active role in the orbito-frontal cortex and caudate nucleus
- drugs called SSRI increase serotonin in the brain
- people took it showed a reduction in symptoms
- Treatment Causation Fallacy (discovered the cause by the treatment)
- reliability is limited as it treats symptoms, not the cause
- not all OCD is caused by low serotonin levels
Worry Circuit (Brain Structure) Explanation of OCD
Caused by brain abnormalities
- cannot identify specific cause due to different environmental factors and complexity of genetics
Role of the Orbital-Frontal Cortex (OCD)
sends signals to the thalamus via the caudate nucleus about things that are worrying
Role of the Cingulate Cortex (OCD)
cingulate cortex acts as a relay system between the OFC and the caudate nucleus
Role of the Caudate Nucleus
usually supresses/regulates signals from the OFC
- with OCD (when it’s damaged), it fails to supress minor ‘worry’ signals and the thalamus is alerted
Role of the Thalamus (OCD)
once alerted, sends a signal back to the OFC confirming the worry
- increases compulsions and anxiety
Role of the Basal Ganglia (OCD)
causes reflexive and repetitive behaviours (compulsions)
Genetic Explanations of OCD
- studied with MZ (Identical) and DZ (Fraternal) twins
- small sample sizes - data may be skewed
- never 100% concordance rate - doesn’t always have a biological basis
- family studies - could be biological, could be social learning theory
Reduces action of dopamine
- variation in the gene decreases amount of COMT available
- dopamine isn’t controlled
Affects transportation of serotonin
- creates lower levels of serotonin
Behavioural Characteristics of OCD
Depression and anxiety
- lack of participation/enjoyment in activities
- low mood
- avoids situations that cause anxiety
- repetitive behaviours that help reduce anxiety
- short term relief
Emotional Characteristics of OCD
Depression and anxiety
- lack of participation/enjoyment in activities
- low mood
Guilt and Disgust
- directed at themself
Anxiety and Distress
- obsessions are usually unpleasant
- urge to repeat the compulsion creates anxiety
Cognitive Characteristics of OCD
Insight into Excessive Anxiety - aware of the irrationality
- hypervigilance
- paranoia
Obsessive Thoughts
- intrusive, unpleasant thoughts that cause great anxiety
What are the 3 Treatments of OCD?
Antidepressants Treatments (OCD)
Raise serotonin levels
- blocks reuptake of serotonin from the synapse
- serotonin available for longer period
Some people do not respond
May take 12 weeks to take effect
SNRI’s Treatments (OCD)
Inhibits serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake
- elevated levels in the synaptic cleft
More side effects than SSRI’s
Benzodiazepines Treatment (OCD)
Increase action of GABA
- makes recieving neuron less likely to fire
- reduces anxiety