Psychopathology Flashcards
What is statistical infrequency?
Abnormality in terms of statistics / numerically rare
- rarely seen behaviour / abnormal characteristics
E.g of a statistically infrequent characteristic
An IQ of below 70 or above 130
Evaluate statistical infrequency
Pro - most assessments of mental dispedees are compared with statistics e.g intellectual disability disorder
Neg - unusual characteristic might not always be a bad thing or even might be desirable
Not everyone needs to be labelled as abnormal as they could be living an already normal life
What is deviation from social norms? Give detail
- behaving in a way that is different to expected
- relatively few behaviours are universally abnormal
- some are acceptable now that didn’t used to be e.g being gay
Evaluate deviation from social norms
-social norms are relative to culture so can’t compare normality across cultures
-it could lead to human rights abuses
Pro- it takes into account the effect behaviour has on others
How does deviation from ideal mental health differ from deviation from social norms?
It looks at what makes us normal rather than abnormal characteristics
Who came up with deviation from ideal mental health?
Jahoda (1958)
Give the criteria for ideal mental health
- Self attitudes - high self esteem + strong sense of identity
- Personal growth and self actualisation - extent to which person develops their full capabilities
- Integration - being able to deal with stressful situations
- Autonomy - self regulating and independent
- Accurate perception of reality
- Mastery of the environment - including ability to love , function at work + in interpersonal relationships and adjust to new situations and sole problems
What is mastery of the environment ?
ncluding ability to love , function at work + in interpersonal relationships and adjust to new situations and sole problems
Evaluate deviation from ideal mental health
Neg- unrealistic criteria - according to it most people are abnormal
Suggests mental health is the same as physical health
Pro - positive approach as shows how we can improve mental health
What is failure to function adequately?
Inability to cope with everyday living e.g maintain relationships , holding down a job
Who came up with the theory of failure to function adequately?
Rosenham and seligman 1989
Criteria for failure to function adequately?
- no longer conform to interpersonal rules (personal space )
- experience personal distress
- behave irrationally or dangerously
- lack of awareness that behaviour isn’t correct
Evaluate failure to function properly
Strength - relatively easy to judge objectively therefore easy to judge when treatment is required
Limitations - who judges whether patient can function? The patient or doctor?
Limitation - cultural relativism - judgement of functioning is relative to cultural ideas of how ones life should be lived
Give 2 emotional characteristics of phobias
1) panic - crying, running away from phobic stimulus, faint , freeze
2) avoidance - of stimulus which interferes with everyday life
Give 2 emotional characteristics of phobias
Anxiety and fear
Unreasonable excessive behaviour
Give 2 cognitive characteristics of phobias
Selective attention to phobic stimulus
Irrational beliefs
Recognition that fear is excessive / unreasonable
2 emotional characteristics of depression
Sadness and loss of interest or pleasure in normal activities
Depressed state with feeling of emptiness
Feeling worthless and hopeless with low self esteem
2 behavioural characteristics of depression
Activity levels decline - reduced energy , tiredness
Disruption to sleep and eating behaviour- insomnia , reduced appetite
2 cognitive characteristics of depression
Poor concentration
Absolutist thinking - unfortunate situation is an absolute disaster
Negative thoughts - negative self concept
Negative view on world
2 emotional characteristics of OCD
Obsessions and compulsions
Embarrassment or shame
Anxiety and distress at thoughts
2 cognitive characteristics of OCD
Obsessive thoughts - frightening
Uncontrollable compulsions creating anxiety
2 behavioural characteristics of OCD
Compulsions - action carried out repeatedly ;ritualistically
Avoidance- of situation that triggers anxiety
Describe what behavioural approach explains phobias?
Two process model - Mowrer 1960
2 stages , classical conditioning and operant conditioning
What is classical conditioning?
Learning through association
What is operant conditioning?
Learning through rewards and reinforcement
Explain the process of aquiring a phobia about dogs
1) UCS (being bitten) = UCR (anxiety)
2) NS (dog) = no response
3) UCS (bitten ) + NS (dog) = UCR (anxiety)
4) CS (dog) = CR (anxiety)