Psychopathology Flashcards
describe and explain statistical infrequency as a definition of abnormality
behaviour that’s seen as abnormal as its rare and found in very few people outside the normal distribution curve
Evaluate statistical infrequency as a definition of abnormality
+patient is evaluated objectively so no judgement is involved and it’s not biased
-not all traits are negative and undesirable such as high IQ which is seen as rather desirable
list features of failure to function adequately listed by rosenhan and seligman
maladpative behaviour
personal anguish
observer distress
describe failure to function adequately
unable to cope with daily life and features listed by rosenhan and seligman
evaluate failure to function adequately as a definition of abnormality
-decision whether a person is coping or not is subjective so has bias
-not all maladpative behaviour is linked to mental illness such as drinking
one strength is that it respects induvidual differences
describe deviation from social norms as a definition of abnormality
going against the unwritten rules of society
evaluate deviation from social norms as a defintion of abnormality
one strength is that they don’t impose a western view so respects cultural differences
one weakness is that a deviating act may be acceptable in one context but not another so it has an incomplete explanation
describe deviation from ideal mental health as an explanation for abnormality
jahodas features include:
environmental mastery
self- actualisation
positive attitude to self
accurate perception of reality
evaluate deviation from ideal mental as a definition of abnormality
DIMH takes on a western perspective as some cultures not value some features such as autonomy so the definition is culturally bound and lacks cultural relavisitism
has an unrealistic criteria because everyone gets stressed at some point so then the majority would be considered as abnormal
one strength is that it takes a holistic view on how to improve.
list behavioural charateristics of phobias
avoidance of phobia
list emotional charateristics of phobias
fear and anxiety
list cognitive charateristics of phobias
irrational thoughts that the phobia will cause harm
list behavioural charateristics of depression
change in apetite
insomnia or hyperisomnia
list emotional characteristics of depression
depressed mood- feeling worthless
list cognitive charateristics of depression
cant concentrate
list behavioural charateristic of OCD
repetitive compulsive behaviour to reduce anxiety
list emotional charateristic of OCD
anxiety and depression
list cognitive charateristic of OCD
obsessive thoughts
describe the explanation of phobias
two process model by mower says phobias are accquired through classical conditioning and maintained by operant conditioning such as avoidance of phobia
evaluate explanation of phobias
one strength is research support by Watson and Rayner, Albert had no response to the rat but when asscoiated with a loud noise and it scared him and asscoiates raqts with loud noises and shows that phobias can be accquired by classicial conditioning
application to threapy such as systematic desensitisation and flooding and has been found successful
ignores the role of cognition that phobias may develop from irrational thoughts.led to development of CBT and has been found successful
explain systematic desensitisation as a treatment for phobias
1) hierarchy created by client and therapist starting from the least to most panic causing task
2) paired with a relaxation technique such as breathing
3) you move up the hierarchy as each stage is successful
4) at the end a new asscoiation is formed
explain flooding as a treatment for phobias
client is fully exposed to the phobia without an escape causing high levels of anxiety and eventually the client calms down and deal with the phobia
evaluate treatment of phobias
+/-SD is more pleasurable but takes longer than flooding
-can treat specific phobias but not social phobias
-drugs are an alternative as they are effective and quicker than SD and flooding
explain becks negative triad as an explanation of depression
beck’s negative triad says depression is due to negative self schemas these schemeas are developed during childhood
negative triad between the self, future, and world.
cognitive biases:
overgeneralisation- making a conclusion based on 1 experience
catastrophising- exaggeration based on 1 set back
explain ellis’s ABC model as an explantion of depression
A-activating event
B-belief (irrational belief)
evaluate explantions of depression
+application to therapy such as the development of CBT and REBT an attempt to identify and challenge irrational thoughts
- Origins of irrational thoughts not explained unsure whether its a result of depression or causes depression or could be other factors involved
- alternative explanations such as depression could be a biological condition by genes and neurotransmitters , such as low levels of serotonin found in people with depression
explain CBT as a treatment for depression
CBT encourages patients to test their beliefs and replace their negative thoughts with positive and rational ones
1) initial assessment- patient and therapist identify problems
2)set goals
3) CBT- becks or REBT
Explain REBT a type of CBT as treatment of depression
challenges irrational thoughts by disputing (arguing) them to replace the beliefs with effective ones .
logical dispute- questioning logic
empirical dispute- evidence for thoughts
explain becks CBT as a treatment for depression
identify negative thoughts and challenges thought by finding evidence for and against them so validity of the irrational thoughts is tested
evaluate treatment for depression
+march et al- 327 ppts 81% effectiveness with CBT and drugs seperately and 86% w CBT paired with drugs
- requires motivation people who suffer from severe depression may not want to engage and can cause CBT to be ineffective whereas drugs doesnt require motivation
-overemphasis on role of cognition. CBT doesnt consider factors such as social cirumstances that can contribute to depression like domestic violence
explain the genetic explanation for OCD
Candidate genes are implicates in OCD
OCD is polygenic- many genes involved such as the COMT & SERT gene
explain the neural explanation for OCD
neurotransmitters such as serotonin plays a role in OCD low levels of serotonin is linked to OCD
explain the treatment to depression
SSRIs prevent the re-uptake of serotonin meaning higher levels of serotonin in the synapse increase chance of it binding meaning it improves mood and reduces anxiety.
SNRIs also inhibit the re-uptake of noradrenaline and serotonin and is used when SSRIs dont work
Trycyclics do the same but is used when both meds don’t work however isn’t the go to as it has many side effects
benzodiazapine also helps improve mood levels
evaluate treatment for treating OCD
+Economic benefit- effectiveness reduces the time people take off work so more people are working and paying tax benefiting the economy.
+ soomro et al- conducted a meta analysis 17 studies with 3097 ppts comparing a placebo supports use for SSRIs reduces symptoms compared to placebo
- Drugs treat the symptoms not eliminate the cause. CBT has long term effects and drugs have a short term effect