Psychopathology Flashcards
What are the 4 definitions for abnormality?
-deviation from social norms
-failure to function adequately
-statistical infrequency
-deviation from ideal mental health
Define deviation from social norms as a definition for abnormality
-any behaviour which differs from that which society expects. behaviour that breaks the social norms are seen as abnormal
What are strengths of using deviation from social norms?
-real life application
What is a limitation of using deviation from social norms as a definition for abnormality?
-social norms change over time and also change between cultures therefore this definition has cultural bias
Define failure to function adequately as a definition for abnormality
-A person who fails to function and to cope with everyday life
What are some strengths for failure to function adequately for abnormality?
-real life application
-takes into account the patient’s subjective experience
What are some limitations for failure to function adequately for abnormality?
-too subjective
-too unreliable
Define statistical infrequency as a definition for abnormality
-a person’s trait, thinking or behaviour which is classified as abnormal if it is rare or statistically unusual.
what are some strengths of using statistical infrequency?
-real life application
What is a limitation of using statistical infrequency as a definition for abnormality?
-some behaviours are regarded as abnormal even though they are statistically frequent
Define deviation from ideal mental health as a definition for abnormality
Jahoda suggested 6 criteria necessary for ideal mental health. Any absence of these indicated individuals as being abnormal:
-resistance to stress
-growth development
-high self esteem
-autonomy(self reliant)
What are some strengths for deviation from ideal mental health as a definition for abnormality?
-positive focus
-real life application
What are some limitations of using deviation from ideal mental health as a definition for abnormality?
-cultural relativism-in different cultures, ideal mental health is defined differently 7
-low on validity-no evidence that certain behaviour deviates from ideal mental health
What is the DSM?
-Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health
What does DSM define a phobia as?
-an anxiety disorder
-excessive fear and anxiety triggered by an object, place or situation
What is the Behavioural explanation of phobias?
-behaviourists argue that abnormal behaviour is learnt in the same way that all behaviour is learnt
-it focuses on explaining the behavioural characteristics of phobias
Which behaviourist psychologist proposed a 2 process model to explain phobias?
Describe the 2-process model
-classical conditioning-used to explain how phobias are acquired
-operant conditioning-uses to explain how phobias are maintained
Describe classical conditioning as an explanation for the creation of phobias
-a phobia is acquired through association-assocation of something we initially have no fear of(a neutral stimulus) qnd something that already triggers a fear response(unconditioned stimulus)
Describe operant conditioning as an explanation to why phobias are maintained
-takes place when our behaviour is reinforced or punished. Reinforcement tends to increase the frequency of a behaviour and can be positive or negative reinforcement
Define positive reinforcement
-if someone is rewarded for showing a phobic reaction this could reinforce the behaviour
Describe negative reinforcement
When we get anxious around phobis stimuli we avoid them. This prevents anxiety which is the desirable consequence so behaviour will be repeated
Strengths of behaviourist explanation for phobias
-Real life application-can be used for systematic desensitation
-evidence to support behavioural explanation of phobias
Limitations of the behavioural explanation of phobias
-too reductionist
-low on ecological validity
-not all phobias are learnt some are innate such as loud noises
What is the little Albert study for behaviourist approach?
Little Albert was exposed to white stuff and loud noises were played so he developed a phobia of white rabbits and stuff
What are the 2 ways to deal with phobias?
-systematic desensitisation and flooding
What is the 3 step process of Systematic desensitisation?
1) Relaxation techniques are taught
2) fear hireachy is created
3) Exposure
Describe relaxation in systematic desensitisation
-therapist teaches the patient to relax as deeply as possible. This involves using breathing exercises
Describe the creation of a fear hireachy in systematic desensitisation
-anxiety hireachy is put together by the patient and therapist. This is a list of situations related to the phobic stimulus that provoke anxiety arranged in order from least to most frightening
Describe exposure in systematic desensitisation
Patient is exposed to the phobic stimulus while in a relaxed state. This takes place over several sessions and it starts at the bottom of the hireachy
Describe flooding as a form of treating phobias
-flooding works by exposing the patient directly to their worst fears. They’re throwing into the deep end
-it aims to expose the sufferer to the phobic object or situation for an extended period if time in a safe and controlled environment
-without option of avoidance behaviour patient learns quickly that the fear is harmless
What are some strengths of Systematic desensitisation
-suitable for many types of phobias and many different people
-less traumatic compared to flooding
Evaluate flooding
–does not address the thought process behind the phobia therfore maybe less appropriate and effective for more complex phobias
-can be seen as unethical
-quick and cheap tho