neurodevelopmental disorders (4)
- intellectual disability
- learning disorders
- autism spectrum disorder
behavioural disorders (disruptive) (2)
- oppositional defiant disorder
- conduct disorder
substance use disorder indicators
- tolerance
- withdrawal
- time invested
- distress
- costs to health and wellbeing
treatments for substance use disorder (4)
- AA (controversial)
- whanau specific approaches
- motivational interviewing
ball et al. study
- alcohol is still king- long term declines in drug use stalling/ reversing recently
- decreasing substance use in general is NOT due to smartphone use
- youth substance use differs from adults
- decreases in mortality (great)
psychosis (3%, multiple cases)
- change in perception of reality
- often with distress
schizophrenia (disorder, multiple theories)
- positive (delusions and hallucinations)
- cognitive (disorganisation)
- negative (mood)
- catatonia
antipsychotics attributes
decent effectiveness, negative side effects
CBT intentions
attribution and challenging delusional beliefs
early intervention qualities
- wrap around care
- 3 years
- care in community
- broad wellbeing focus
MDD (depression) attributes (6)
- low mood
- weight gain/ loss
- sleep/ energy issues
- worthlessness
- difficulty concentrating
- thoughts/ behaviours around self harms
bipolar disorder
- large fluctuations between low and high mood episodes
- can have aspects of psychosis, mood features
bipolar I
cycling between mania + depression
bipolar II
cycling between hypomania + depression
beck’s cognitive theory
- negative thoughts and beliefs about self, world and future (should-ing, black & white, catastrophising)
- treatment through CBT
- medication
what makes a disorder (5)
- infrequency
- deviance
- distress
- disability
- danger
taha hinengaro
- emotional wellbeing
- cognitions and behaviour
taha tinana
- physical wellbeing
- overall physical health
taha wairua
- spiritual wellbeing
- value system
- connections
- identity
taha whanau
-social wellbeing
- healthy relationships and communication
- role in whanau
benefits for te whare tapa wha
- allows space for psychopathology and wellbeing
- priortising aspects of wellbeing important to maori
3 components of a disorder
- psychological dysfunction
- distress or impairment
- atypical response
key definitions of anxiety
- future focused
- an anticipated threat
key definitions of fear or panic
- present focused
- an immediate threat
- automatic
components of anxiety (3)
- cognitive (thoughts & worries)
- physiological (heart, stomach, sweating)
- behavioural (avoidance)
what percentages of adults will meet the criteria for one disorder at some point in their life
4 types of anxiety disorders
- phobia (social anxiety, separation, and specific disorders/ phobias)
- panic disorders
- generalised anxiety disorder
- agoraphobia
- a stress reaction
- exposure to a traumatic event
- intrusive symptoms
5 causes of anxiety disorders
- learning processes (i.e. specific phobia)
- cognitive
- genetics
- neurobiology (i.e. PTSD/ OCD)
- personality
biomedical approach in therapy
focuses on disease, changing physical function, medications and surgery
psychological approach in therapy
focuses on thought, behaviours, changing how we interact with our thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and therapy instead of surgery
psychodynamic aim and focus
aim: clients achieve insight on how their functioning is affected
focus: dreams, free association and past
behavioural approach aim and focus
aim: clients identify that behaviours are the cause of disorder
focus: reinforcement rather than punishment/ exposure therapy
cognitive approach aim and focus
aim: clients identify and address maladaptive thoughts, beliefs and assumptions
focus: beck’s cognitive therapy and negative beliefs of self, world and others
cluster a - odd or eccentric disorders (3)
- paranoid personality disorder
- schizoid personality disorder
- schizotypal personality disorders
cluster b - dramatic disorders (4)
- anti-social personality disorders
- borderline personality disorder
- histrionic personality disorder
- narcissistic personality disorder
cluster c - anxious disorders (3)
- avoidant personality disorder
- dependant personality disorder
- obsessive compulsive personality disorder
difficulties with the criteria for personality disorders
- thresholds may not useful
- comorbidities (meeting criteria for 2nd disorder)
- heterogeneity within disorders (BPD)
- stereotypical presentations (HPD)
causes of personality disorder (3)
- genetics
- childhood experiences
- individual temperament
difficulties with personality disorder treatment
- takes longer
- therapy is difficult
- poor research base
- high levels of stigma
treatments for personality disorders
- focus on treating the symptoms
- schema therapy
- adaptations to treatment pathways
five criteria of binge-eating disorder
- eating much more rapidly than normal
- eating until feeling uncomfortably full
- eating when not “physical hungry”
- eating alone (hiding the bingeing)
- feeling guilty afterwards
BMI underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese values
underweight: below 18.5
normal: 18.5- 24.9
overweight: 25- 29.9
obese: between 30- 39.9
marked fear or anxiety about at least of the two of the following situations:
- using public transport
- being in open spaces
- being in enclosed spaces
- standing in line or being in a crowd
- being outside of the home alone