Psychology - Research methods - Experimental Methods Flashcards
Independent variable
Variable that the researcher manipulates in order to determine its effect on the dependent variable.
Experimental conditions
The division of the independent variables into levels
Control condition
A standard which other experimental conditions can be compared against. (may be where IV is not manipulated)
Dependent Variable
The variable that is being measured
Extraneous Variable
Any variables other than the IV that may affect the DV
Confounding Variables
Variables other than IV that have affected the DV
Clearly defining variables in terms of how they can be measured
Laboratory Experiments
Experiments conducted in a lab, a highly controlled environment
Advantages of lab experiments
- High level of control over IV, easy to control extraneous variables
- Researcher can manipulate the IV and establish cause and effect relationship between IV and DV
- Easily repeated to test reliablility
Disadvantages of lab experiments
- Demand characteristics and social desirability bias
- High level of control means a lack of mundane reality
Reliability through replication
Making sure you get similar results in replications of the experiment. Should get a correlation co-efficient of +0.8
Demand characteristics
Where the participants of a study figure out the aim and change their behaviour to fit what they think the researcher wants, affecting validity.
Mundane realism
A measure of external validity or extent to which experimental findings can be generalised to the real world
Ecological validity
Assesses the validity of a study’s findings based on the environment or setting the study took place. The realism to which the set up of a study matches the real context.
Social desirability bias
Changing behaviour in a study to appear more likeable in the perception of wider society, affecting validity.
Field experiments
Experiments conducted in the real world or natural settings rather than in the laboratory
What happens to the IV and DV in a field experiment?
The IV is still manipulated or controlled by researcher to see the effect on the dependent variable
Advantages of field experiments
- More mundane realism and ecological validity than lab
- Researcher can manipulate the IV, cause and effect relationship identified
- Less chance of demand characteristics
Disadvantages of field experiments
- Less control external variables so less valid
- Less control over sample so less representative
- Difficult to replicate of unreliable
Natural experiment
The researchers take advantage of a naturally occurring independent variable to see its effect on the dependent variables
What happens to the IV and DV in a natural experiment?
Measures variables that aren’t manipulated by experimenter and independent variable is naturally occurring
How are conditions “controlled” in a natural experiment?
Experimenter is finding participants who already meet the conditions of the experiment
Natural experiment advantages
- High level of mundane realism and ecological validity - Useful in situations where it is impossible or unethical to manipulate the independent variable
Natural experiment disadvantages
- Low control over extraneous variables
- Difficult to replicate
- Hard to determine cause and effect
Quasi experiments
Naturally occurring independent variable and examines its effect in a lab
Quasi experiments advantages
- High level of control
- Replication is likely
Quasi experiments disadvantages
- Lack of ecological validity - Demands characteristics
What are the four types of experimental methods?
Independent measures, repeated measure, matched pairs and quasi-experimental designs
What are the types of experiments?
Laboratory, Field, Natural, Quasi