Psychology Quiz Unit 1 Flashcards
What is psychology?
Science of Behaviour and Mental Processes
Goals of Psychology
Description - info about behaviour
Explanation - explain why
Prediction - prediction in the future
Influence - influence in a helpful way
Modify - research or change
Control - psychological principals
Method of Psychology
Survey - collection of info
Data - investigation abd hypothesis, scientifically tested
Case Studies - depth study of person, group or event
What is the Scientific Method?
Theory - Additional hypothesis or reject and revise hypothesis
Other Psychologists
Origin of Psychology
Greece 5th - 6th century BC, Greek phillosphers began method of observation in terms of human perception
Mid 1500’s Psychology
Copernicus, Earth is not the centerof universe. Observation becomes a key element in science procedure
17th Century Psychology
Rene Descartes, the mind controls the body’s movement, sensations and perceptions
19th Century Psychology
Darwin, It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives, it is the one that is most adaptable to change.
What are the recent approaches to psychology?
What is Structualism?
-Thinking and Feeling
Wilhem Wundt (1832-1920)
-measured observations and conducted expierements
- Wundt Expierement, measured the reaction time related to perception, mind to body using a button and ball
- focused on basic elements and structure of the mind
Edward Titchener
-introspection, study of parts of the mind
- relied on self report, report sensations and elements of expierence
What is Functionalism?
- Purpose of thoughts and feelings
William James (1800)
- consiousness serves as a function, allow us to consider past, present, etc.
- considered the evolved function of feelings and thoughts
- analyzed the evolution of the brain, wrote principles of psychology
Mary W Calkins (1800’s)
- became pioneering memory researcher, first female president of APA (American Psychological Association)
Margaret Floy Washburn (1800’s)
- second APA president
- explore existence of conscoius process such as learning and attention
What is Psychoanalysis?
Sigmund Freud (late 1800’s)
-founder of psychoanalysis
- studied and help people with mental disorder
-school study and treatment mainly of the role of the unconcious mind
-used new method for unconcious process
- free association
- dream analysis
- hypnotherapy
- rorscarch test
- psychoanalytic talk
- influenced modern psychology
- provides guidance of the unconcious and concious mind
- too open to interpretation
- ambigous data, no proof
What is the Roscarch test?
Test focuses on perception and approach to images
What is Id, Ego and Superego?
Id - the part of us that is more dominant, primitive part of our personality. Protective and Selfish
Ego - is the part between Id and Superego
Superego - the part of us that is giving and unselfish, moral society
What is Behaviourism?
John B Watson - psycholgy describe, predict, control behaviour
Ivan Pavlor - classical conditioning and conditioned reflex
B:F Skinner - Operant conditions, reward and punishment (OCD, phobia, anxiety)
- classical conditioning
- operant conditioning (reward and punishment
- habitation/ exposure therapy
Used in psychology labs, schools, child discipline, training animals
- scientific
- testable
- supported by research