Psychology Quiz Flashcards
Who is Sigmund Freud? (4)
He developed psychoanalysis; focused most of his study on sexuality; created free association; developed defence mechanisms
Who is Alfred Adler
He created individual psychology; former friend and associate of Freud but split from him due to his focus on sexuality; developed inferiority complex; believed dreams were important in understanding human personality
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
Studied the relationship between stimulus and response and how it could be used to train and teach organisms new behaviours
Who is Carl Jung?
He founded analytical psychology; studied word association like Freud; he believed Freud simplified the unconscious, and thought each persons unconscious is unique with personal and collective aspects; believed human personality types could be grouped into two opposing personality types, like the 4 psychological functions (sensing, intuition, thinking, and feeling) as well as introvert and extrovert
What is psychoanalysis?
The school of psychology founded by Sigmund Freud; hypnosis and dream analysis used to study a person’s unconscious mind
What is behavioural psychology?
The school of psychology originating with John Watson and others that have it’s goal - the prediction and control of human behaviour by studying it
What is cognitive psychology?
The school of psychology that studies how people perceive and deal with their environment, as well as how they learn, remember and forget
What is the conscious mind?
A term used by Sigmund Freud; the part of our minds containing memories we can recall
What is the unconscious mind?
A term used by Sigmund Freud; part of our mind of which we are unaware, but which Freud believed is responsible for most of our behaviour
What is free association?
A technique originated by Sigmund Freud; a subject matches pairs of words to enable a therapist to gain entry into the subjects unconscious mind
What is the id?
A term used by Sigmund Freud; the pleasure-seeking, often self-destructive, part of the unconscious mind
What is the ego?
A term used by Sigmund Freud; the part of the unconscious mind that encourages us to do good things; part of the mind most closely linked to our sense of self
What is the superego?
A term used by Sigmund Freud; the part of the unconscious mind that acts as a conscience, serving as a referee between the id and the ego
What are defense mechanisms?
A term used by Sigmund Freud; the techniques that the human mind uses to deal with feelings of anxiety, frustration, tension or worry; he believed these maintain our self-esteem by protecting our ego
What is individual psychology?
A system of therapy originated by Alfred Adler; focuses more on people’s conscious minds rather than unconscious; Adler assumed people are normally aware of the goals and values that motivate them
What is psychiatry?
The study and medical treatment of mental disorders
What is the inferiority complex?
A term used by Alfred Adler; normal human feelings of inferiority that can, and extreme circumstances, lead to the inability to function normally
What is analytical psychology?
The branch of psychology founded by Carl Jung that, in opposition to psychoanalysis, regards sexuality as only one of many factors influencing human behavior
What is an introvert?
A term used by Carl Jung to describe an emotionally self-sufficient person who doesn’t encourage a large number of close associations with others and who draws strength and energy from his/her inner life
What is an extrovert?
A term used by Carl Jung to describe a person who seeks a large number of close associations with others and who draws strength or energy from these associations
What is unconditioned stimulus?
A term used by Ivan Pavlov; a stimulus that causes a natural response in a subject without the subject having to learn the response (ie. giving a dog dog food)
What is unconditioned response?
A term used by Ivan Pavlov; a response that is natural (the dog salivating due to the food)
What is conditioned stimulus?
A term used by Ivan Pavlov; a stimulus that causes a response in a subject only after the subject has learned to associate the response with the stimulus (ringing a bell when giving the dog the food)
What is conditioned response?
A term used by Ivan Pavlov; response that is based on previous learning (the dog salivating when the bell is rung even without the food)
Who is Erik Erikson?
Erikson refined Freud‘s theories; he kept the concepts of childhood as a formative period and continued to focus on internal conflicts and the problems they would cause if left unsolved
What were Erikson’s eight stages?
- Trust vs mistrust (birth – 1 year) parents take care and love child
- Autonomy vs shame and doubt (2 years) encouragement and clear discipline
- Initiative vs guilt (3-5 years) encouragement of interest, showing pride
- Industry VS inferiority (6–12 years) guidance and praise of academic and social development
- Identity VS diffusion (adolescence) strong role models, promoting self esteem
- Intimacy VS isolation (young adulthood) in healthy relationships, concern for others
- Generativity VS isolation (adulthood) making good decisions, enjoying work, concern for others
- Integrity VS despair (old age) confidence, being satisfied with life