Psychology of Poverty: Identification Flashcards
The distinction of wealth and status. Refers to honor or prestige, honor, rank of one’s position in society.
Social Class
Related to status, authority, and dominance.
The condition where people have unequal access to valued resources, services, and position in society.
Social Inequity
The poor are poor because they are lazy.
Internal Attribution
The poor themselves are to be blamed for their poverty. Their poverty produces common values, beliefs and behaviors which sustain the cycle of poverty.
Culture of Poverty
The poor are poor because the government and other sectors of the society do not create opportunities for their development.
External Attribution
The tendency to overestimate dispositional explanations when observing the behaviors of others while undervaluing situational explanations for those behaviors.
Fundamental Attribution Error
They attribute poverty to the poor people’s laziness, opportunistic behavior and fatalistic view. Some even accuse the poor as ignorant and ungrateful.
They blame the social and economic elite because they do not pay taxes.
They blame the government for corruption.
The shift in the concentration of poor people from the rural areas to the city.
The Urbanization of Poverty
They attribute their situation to external and stable factors such as lack of education and opportunities and eventually develop learned helplessness.
Had a more internal locus of control, higher self-esteem, more positive and less negative coping styles, and greater perceived social support from friends and family compared to stress-affected street children.
Street Children
A psychology that creates positive change through community projects where psychologists intervene in empowering local communities.
Generative Psychology