Psychology - Multi store memory Flashcards
What year was Glanzer & Cunitz?
What year was Glanzer & Cunitz?
What studies show support for functional dissociation of LTM and STM
Glanzer and Cunitz (1966)
Miller study of HM (1966)
Baddeley (1966)
When you can remember words at beginning of list
Primary effect
When you can remember words at end of list
Recency effect
Term used to describe recall effects
Serial position curve
Conditions of Glanzer and Cunitz
1) participants asked to recall words immediately after they were presented
2) participants given distractor task - had to count backwards in 3’s from a number for 30 seconds
Glanzer and Cunitz method
Gave participants a list of words presented one at a time
Tested their recall according to one of two conditions
Type of recall Glanzer and Cunitz used
Free recall
Condition 1 results - Glanzer and Cunitz
Found expected serial position curve
Condition 2 results - Glanzer and Cunitz
Distractor task disrupted recency effect
Words from that part of list were not recalled well
Glanzer and Cunitz’s explanation for their results
Distractor task displaced last few words from STM
Words from beginning not affected as they had already been rehearsed and passes to LTM
Methodological issues of Glanzer and Cunitz
Lab experiment
Participants asked to recall more than one list in each condition - averaged results to stop unrepresentative results
Factors Glanzer (1972) found affected primary effect
Age of participant
Rate of presentation - slower the better
Familiarity of words
What year was the study on HM?
Who did the case study on HM?
What was wrong with HM?
Suffered from severe epilepsy
Had an operation to have parts of temporal lobes and hippocampus removed
Had memory problems
HM’s memory problems
Could remember from early life
Couldn’t remember anything 10 years before operation
Could remember 6 numbers in order in STM
Couldn’t form new long term memories - read same magazine, couldn’t remember regular psychologist
Who came up with the multi-store model and when?
Atkinson and Shiffrin
Capacity for STM
7 (+/-2)
Capacity of LTM
Supposedly unlimited
STM encoding