Psychology/ Forensics Flashcards
What are four ways to deal with offending behaviour?
1.Anger management
2.Custodial sentencing and recidivism
3.Behaviour modification (token economy)
4.Restorative Justice programmes
What RWA is there for Recidivism?
80,000 men and 4000 women in prison, 46% of these convicts re-offended
What are the aims of custodial sentencing?
- Protect the public
- Punishment and prevent - behaviourist
- Deter others - SLT
- Retribution
- Rehabilitation
Is custodial sentencing effective in punishment and preventing?
No, just under 50% of prisoners re-offend. Meaning its likely that the offender sees the punishment for getting caught and not the actual crime itself
Is custodial sentencing effective in Rehabilitation?
Yes and no. Offenders cant be forced to take part in such programmes, and some may just do it for a shorter sentence
What is a negative evaluation point of Custodial sentencing?
Individual differences - Home office of statistics found younger people are more likely to re-offend and thieves are twice as likely compared to murderers or sex offenders
What are the three key principles of Token economy?
- Reinforcement
- Punishment
- Shaping
What are the psychological effects of Custodial sentencing?
Psychological problems i.e. suicide
What research was done to support Token economy?
Hobbs & Holt - Observed the use of token economy at Alabama boys industrial school.
The boys lived in 4 cottages, one of which were controlled. Boys were told how many tokens they could earn in each behaviour category.
What were the findings of Hobbs and Holts study?
just under an average of 30% increase of social behaviour in 3 cottages
What are three evaluation points of token economy?
- Does it work in the long-term
- Is it ethical
- Individual differences
What are the three steps of the Stress inoculation model?
- Cognitive preparation
- Skill acquisition
- Application training
What are three evaluation points of anger management programmes?
- They are successful - Landen burger et al analysed 58 studies and a strong negative correlation was found
- Methodological problems - Role play isn’t real life terms, which question the validity of the long-term effect
- Individual differences
What is restorative justice?
Seeking to receive justice by repairing the harm done rather than punishment
What are three aims of restorative justice?
- Rehabilitation of the offender
- Atonement for wrongdoing
- helping the victims
What is a theory of restorative justice?
Watchel and McCold believe that the focus should be on the relationship rather than punishment and to consider the wider community as well as offender and victim
What are three types and degrees of Restorative justice practice?
- Victim reparation
- Offender responsibility
- Communities and care of reconciliation
What is a peace circle?
Where everyone sits in a circle and a ‘talking piece’ is passed from one person to another
What are three evaluation points of Restorative justice?
- Not all offenders admit to their crimes
- Ethical concerns - if victim feels worse after
- Good at reducing recidivism - 14% reduction in re-offending
What are three biological reasons for offending behaviour?
- A historical approach
- Genetic
- Neural
What are four psychological reasons for offending behaviour?
- Psychodynamic
- Eysenck’s personality theory
- Cognitive
- Differential association
What was Lomroso’s theory?
The atavistic form in where offenders were born with specific facial features that distincted them as criminal i.e. high cheekbones and a hooked nose
What was Lombroso’s evidence?
He and co-workers studies over 50,000 bodies. In one study of 383 convicted Italian criminals, 21% had 1 atavistic trait and 43% had 5
What are the three types of criminal Lombroso distinguished between?
- Born criminals - atavistic form
- Insane criminals - mental illness
- Criminaloids - large general class of offenders
What did Sheldon believe?
That people could be classified into three different body types which would determine their personality traits
What were the three body types that Sheldon classified
Ectomorph - fat and soft
Endomorph - thin and fragile
Mesomorph - muscular and hard
What are three evaluation points of the historic approach for explaining offending behaviour?
- No control group to compare to non-criminals
- Scientific racism (features defined are towards people of African decent)
- Doesn’t explain why women commit crimes