Psychology exam 2 Flashcards
Aserinski -1950
Discovered sleep cycle and REM sleep
- Beta waves - low intensity ,very high frequency waves . Relaxed in preparation for sleep.
- Alpha waves drowsiness but not yet asleep. Calm or meditative state.
Hans Berger-1920
Frequency and intensity Discovered the (EEG) electroencephalogram in 1920
JB Watson
Classical conditioning with emotions ( Albert and rat)
Used paired association
John Garcia
Good aversion
Ivan Pavlov
Classical conditioning
Julian Rotter
Locus of control
The role of expectations in learning
Internalizers are more successful students
Martin seligman-
Learned helplessness
The role of beliefs in learning
(3 dog experiment
Albert Bandura
Observational Learning ( Modeling) Someone observes a behavior sequence a mental representation is formed The role of schemas in learning -attend -remember -capable of doing the actions -expect reinforcement for behavior performance ( aggressive children video )
Activation/synthesis; awareness of the brains internally generated signals during sleep ( pet scanner)
Dreams have no meaning
Carl hung
The unconscious mind is helpful and dream content must be amplified to be understood
Dreams make us whole and individuality.
Dreams are the symbolic manifestation of repressed urges, wishes and desires
Manifest and latent content
Free association
Fixed ratio
Vending machine
Every time time behavior there is a reinforcer
Good to start off but not continue
Variable ratio
Slot machine gambler
Behavior difficult to extinct
Continue behavior without knowing when it will be reinforced but possible at any time ( chance of winning)
Fixed interval
Reinforced during set passage of time
( doesn’t matter how many times they do the behavior)
-Pay Check
Variable Interval
Intervals between reinforcers Varies.
Don’t know how long or when there will be reinforcement
( waiting for a call from attractive person/job) ( fishing )
Not efficient
Behavior Shaping
Reinforcing successively closer approximations of the desired behaviors until behaviors is achieved
( training dog to open trash can in 20 min)
Application ( Martin Seligman)
Exposure to uncontrollable aversive evens can produce passivity and learned helplessness.
Detection of basic stimuli from the environment through the senses , sound, visual objects and odors .
Form of physical energy is converted into a neural code that can be processed by the nervous system
Sensory thresholds
Smallest possible strength of a stimuli that can be detected half the time
Difference thresholds ( JND)
Smallest possible difference between two stimuli that can be detected half the time
Webers law
Size of a JND is a constant proportion of the size of the initial stimulus
Sensory adaption
Gradual decline in sensitivity to a constant stimulus
(Seasoning in food)
(Temperature in a pool)
Process by which the brain organizes , I terpenes and relates new data to existing knowledge
Top down perceptions
Conceptually given
Prior knowledge
Bottom up
Generate perception based on the constituent parts data given
The unified whole is different from the sum of parts
mind try’s to see everything as whole
Max Wertheimer
Principles of perception Similarity Closure Continuity Proximity Figure ground
Similar things are perceived as being related
Closeness of the item
Expectations that movements will continue in a given direction
Filling in a missing piece
Subliminal perception
Presented below absolute threshold ( not detectable )
Can bias a persons emotions thoughts and attitudes about something temporarily
Awake but meditative state- beta Stage 1- alpha high freq low intensity Stage 2- alpha / sleep spindle Stage 3 - theta / delta Stage 4 Delta low freq high intensity Rem
Sleep paralysis
Paralyzed during Rem Sleep
Stage 4 Delta non rem sleep does what
Restores body
Rem sleep consolidates what
Inability to initiate or maintain sleep
Sleep apnea
Interrupted sleep breathing
Sleep walking ( 25% of children have one episode )
Rem sleep behavior disorder
Brain fails to suppress voluntary movement
Patient acts out dreams
Cataplexy, hypnagogic hallucinations, sleep, attacks, sleep paralysis
Hobson physiological views
Activation occurs in the pond as a dream generator
Reticular (alertness)
Oculomor ( movement of eyeballs)
Vestibular( sence of balance and movement )
3 states of consciousness
Sleep , wakefulness and dreams
( splitting off your perception in life )
-Day dreaming
What does the symbol mean in art, religion and folk care
Tolerance and withdrawal
Increasing amounts of a substance needed to get the desired effect
Person gets sick when the substance is discontinued
Lethal dose at which 50% of test subjects die
A relatively permanent change in behavior resulting from experience
Classical conditioning
Establishing conditions under which a specific behavior is more likely to occur
A simple involuntary response to a specific stimuli
Eliminating a learned response
Extinction burst
- intense frequency burst of the behavior ( show balloon in face)
Higher order conditioning
Means that a well established CS can be used as an UCS to produce a new conditioned response
Stimulus generalization
Other stimuli relates to CS cause the same CR
Discrimination stimulus
only the CS can cause the CR nothing similar ( cat food and cabinet door)
How often
The more pairing of the neutral and the UCS the stronger the CR
1/2 second between presentation is the neutral and UCS is ideal
Food aversion
Violates two rules of classical conditioning
- long time between pairings (hours not minutes
- single trial learning (one time)
Biological preparedness
- individual becomes averse to the food not the plate or other neutral stimuli which are present during exposure
- not everything a become a CS for food aversions
Personal awareness of mental activity , internal sensations, and the world around us
( can associate taste but not pain with nausea)
Alertness varies by degree
Peaks at 8-9am and pm
Lows at 3pm and 3am
Circadian Rhythms
Variations in body states that occurs over a 24 hour period
Consciousness = alertness
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Bodies clock within the hypothalamus
(Light stimulates the optic nerves which are monitored by the SCN) Diminishes Melatonin
Free running
The effect of being disconnected from indications of date, day and hour
(Circadian erythema become desynchronized)
Average sleep
8 1/2
Operant conditioning
Being rewarded for a behavior
What is reinforcement
A reinforcer is anything that causes a behavior to reoccur
What did Skinner Discover
Animal behavior patters can be modified by controlling the consequence
Two types of reinforcement
Positive and negative
Positive reinforcement
Means a reward (behavior will continue)
Negative reinforcement
Aversive stimuli , something we will act to avoid or escape
nagging kids to wash dishes
To stop a behavior from reoccurring
Temporary fix
Interval schedules
A passage/unit of time
Belief and attitudes
Operant conditioning