Bio Exam 3 Flashcards
Disorders of sex development
A more scientific term now being applies to those whose combinations or ambiguities of female and male anatomical structures
Inter sexuality
A combination of female and male anatomical structures so that the individual cannot be clearly defined as male or females
True hermaphrodite
A person who has one testis and one overy . External appearance may very among individuals
A person who possesses either tested or overlies in combination with some external genitals of the other sex
Gender identity
A persons inner experience of gender: feelings of maleness, femaleness, or some ambivalent position between the two
Gender role
The outward expression and demonstration of gender identity , through behaviors , attire, and culturally determined characteristics of femininity and masculinity.
Biological essentialism
A theory that holds that human traits and behaviors are formed primarily by inborn biological determinants such as genes and hormonal secretions, rather then the environmental influences
Social constructionism
A theory that holds that human traits and behaviors are shapes more by environmental social forces than by innate biological factors
Sexual differentiation
The developmental processes biological, social, and psychological- that lead to different sexes or genders
Sex and reproductive glands , either testes or overlies, that produce hormones and, eventually , reproductive cells
Müllerian ducts
Embryonic structures that develop into female sexual and reproductive organs unless inhibited by male hormones
Wolffish ducts
Embryonic structures that develop into male sexual and reproductive organs if male hormones are present
Secretion of the fetal testes that prevents further development of female structures from the millerian ducts
dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
A chemical produced by the fetal testes that promotes further development of the testes, scrotum, and penis in the fetus .
Fatally androgenized females
A condition in which hormones administered during pregnancy cause chromosomal lay female fetuses to have masculinization of the genitals and perhaps of later behavioral patterns, even though they were raised as girls
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
A genetic disorder that masculinization chromosomal females and seems to lead to a masculinization if behavior as well
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
A developmental condition in which cells do not respond to fetal androgen, so that chromosomal lay male (XY) fetuses develop external female genitals; there is also a feminization later behavioral patterns.
DHT- deficiency syndrome
A condition in which chromosomal my male fetuses have underdeveloped male genitLs , and may be identified as girls at birth. However, at puberty they begin to develop masculine secondary sex characteristics and seem to maintain masculine patterns of behavior
Multiplier effect
The combining of biological and socioenvornmental factors more and more with one another over time in the process of human development
Differential socialization
The process of treating boys and girls differently as they are growing up
Core gender identity
A child’s early inner sence of it’s maleness, femaleness or ambivalence , established prior to puberty
Secondary sex characteristics
The physical characteristics of mature women and men that begin to develop at puberty
Acquires immunodeficiency syndrome (Aids)
A fatal disease caused by a virus that is transmitted through exchange if bodily fluids, primarily in sexual activity and intravenous drug use.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
The virus that initially attacks the human immune system, causing HIV disease and eventually AIDs
A sexually transmitted disease characterized by four stages, begin in with the appearance of a chancre
Referring to the branch of medical science that deals with the incidence, distribution, and control of disease in a population
Related to pregnancy, birth , or the period immediately following birth
Bacterial STD causing urethral pain and discharge in males, often no initial symptoms in females.
Now known to be a common STD, a major cause of urethritis in males; often presents no symptoms in females
Nonspecific urethritis
Infection or irrigation in the male urethra caused by bacteria or local irritants
General term for inflammation of the vulva and/or vagina
Yeast infection
A type of vaginitis causes by an overgrowth of a fungus normally found in an inactive state in the vagina
A vaginal infection caused by the trichomonas organism
Genital herpes
A viral STD characterized by painful sores on the sex organs
Human Papilloma virus (HPV)
An infection causing small lesions on genital skin; certain strains of this STD increase later risks of cervical cancer
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
a liver infection that frequently is sexually transmitted
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
a liver infection that may occasionally be sexually transmitted
Perineal area
The sensitive skin between the grin gals and the anus
Pubic lice
Small insects that can infect skin in the pubic area, causing a rash and severe itching
Molluscum contagiosum
A skin disease transmitted by direct noisily contact, not necessarily asexual, and characterized by eruptions on the skin that appear similar to whiteheads, with a hard seedlike core.
A skin disease caused by a mite that burrows under the skin to lay it’s eggs, causing redness and itching; transmitted by bodily contact that may or may not be sexual
Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)
A contagious STD caused by several strains of chlamydia and marked by swelling and ulceration of lymph nodes in the groin
An std caused by the bacterium Hemophilua ducreyi and characterized by sores on the genitals, which if left untreated, could result in pain and rupture of the sores .
Granuloma inguinale
An std characterized by ulceration so and granulation a beginning in the groin and spreading to the buttocks or genitals
A classs of viruses that integrate their genetic code Into that of the hose cell, establishing permanent infection
Opportunistic infection
A disease resulting from lowered resistance of a weakens immune system
A group of signs or symptoms that occurred together and characterize a given condition
The primary test used to determine the presence of HIV in humans
Western blot
The test used to verify the presence of HIV antibodies already detected by the Elisia