Psychology Ch.6 Flashcards
What is Learning?
Relatively permanent
change in behavior or
mental processes caused
by experience
What is Conditioning?
Process of learning
associations between
stimuli and behavioral
Is an example of
When a dog is conditioned to salivate with a bell which signals food is an example of?
Classical Condition
When a dog is given food they salivate but when a person rings a bell the dogs doesn’t salivate at the bell but when they see the food the bell is an example of a?
Neutral Stimulus
•An unlearned stimulus that
naturally and automatically
elicits an unconditioned
response (UR) without
previous conditioning. For example the dog experiment.
Unconditioned Stimulus
•Unlearned reaction to an
unconditioned stimulus (US)
without previous conditioning. For example the dog salivating at the food.
Unconditioned Response
Previously neutral
stimulus (bell) that,
through repeated
pairings with an
unconditioned stimulus
(dog food), now elicits a conditioned response
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Learned reaction (salivate) to a
conditioned stimulus (bell ringing)
that occurs because of repeated
pairings with an unconditioned
stimulus (dog food)
Conditioned Response (CR)
Spider phobias or an thing anxiety, fear inducing, emotional is a example of?
Classical Conditioning
The use of anesthetics and painless dental
techniques leads to the gradual reduction
and elimination of fear of dentistry is an example of?
Fear of dentistry returns spontaneously a
few months or a few years after extinction is an example of?
Spontaneous recovery
A person shows a fear response when
visiting the office of a NEW dentist is an example of?
A person shows a fear response to the sight
of a dentist’s drill but not to equipment
used for cleaning teeth is an example of?