Psychology 2 Flashcards
Behavioral learning
Through behavioral learning, an individual determines what behaviors are culturally appropriate and the possible consequences
Classical conditioning
Example: Pavlov’s dog, bell, and salivation
Operant conditioning
More or less likely to carry out certain behavior based on consequence
Example: Skinner’s box - rat and the lever
Innate response
unconditional response (salivation) to unconditional stimuli (food)
Neutral stimuli
bell, becomes conditioned stimuli & elicits the conditioned response
Stage of learning to associate the bell with the food and produce as a result salivation
spontaneous recovery
the reappearance of the conditioned response after a period of lessened response
the disappearance of the conditioned response (salivation)
stimulus generalizations
respond to stimuli that is similar to the conditioned stimulus
stimulus discrimination
learned lack of response to a stimulus similar to conditioned one
increases the behavior
decreases behavior
Adding the behavior
Removing behavior
Reinforcement schedule
Fixed vs variable
Ratio vs interval
Continous reinforcement
Faster to learn
Partial reinforcement
More resistant to extinction
Slowly introducing simple tasks with the aim to achieve complicated behavior (ex. monkey opening the door)
Innate behavior
Fixed (ex. killing), can’t be modified
Learned behavior
Can be modified through experience
Observational learning
Based on modeling (mirror neurons)
Vicarious emotions
Experiencing emotions of others as your own
Members tend to think alike and agree for sake of group harmony
Group polarization
Attitude of group becomes stronger than attitude of individual members