Psychology Flashcards
What is psychology?
- the study of the human mind/psyche
What are the different types of psychology?
- physical: actual processes of the brain
- behavioural: how we behave due to how we think
- environment: how the environment affects us
What’s the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist
- psychiatrist: MD, can prescribe medication, went to med school, etc.
- psychologist: have a BA, a diploma in counselling
Who was W. Wundt?
- created first psychology based labs (these are now heavily criticized bc they were very harmful to humans and animals)
- did the metronome experiment
- saw how the environment influences a person
started the field of senses in psych
Who was B.F. Skinner?
- educational psychologist, wanted to find out best ways to teach ppl things
- did the pigeon bowling experiment
- came to the conclusion of operant conditioning (rewards are a better teaching strategy than punishment, bc punishment only teaches abt obedience and compliance)
What is internal motivation?
- motivation that comes from within yourself
- doing things bc you genuinely want to, not bc you’ll get rewarded
What is external motivation?
- motivation that comes from external forces
- rewards and stuff like that
Who was S. Freud?
- father of psychology
- our mind is made up of the conscious and subconscious
- childhood forms our preferences/subconscious mind
- psychotherapy could be used to become more aware of what’s going on in our subconscious
What are the id, ego, and superego?
-ego: our sense of self, maintains balance between ego and superego
- id: our needs for ourselves
- superego: our needs for others
If someone has a big ID, how may they act?
- very selfish
- dangerous + harmful towards others
- thinks they’re perfect and the best person ever
- spoiled
- careless
- thinks everything needs to be catered to them
If someone has a big SUPEREGO, how may they act?
- insecure
- low self esteem
- feels guilty for having any needs whatsoever
- may engage in self destructive behaviour
- rule follower
What happens in the oral psychosexual stage?
- physical need: putting things in mouth
- psych need: comfort
- if stuck: prone to put things in mouth/chew things (i.e. chew gum/pencils, suck thumbs, smoke, etc.)
What happens in the anal psychosexual stage?
- physical need: bladder/bowel
- psych need: control
- if stuck: anal retentive (hypercontrolling) or anal expulsive (extremely disorganized)
What happens in the phallic psychosexual stage?
- physical need: genitals
- psych need: independence
- if stuck: penis envy (females) or castration anxiety (males)
What happens in the latent psychosexual stage?
- physical need: platonic touch
- psych need: interdependence
- if stuck: struggle with romantic relationships
What happens in the gential psychosexual stage?
- physical need: intercourse
- psych need: reciprocity
- if stuck: ya can’t! freud says this is where ya gotta be :P