Psychological Factors Influencing Individual Keywords Flashcards
Achievement motivation
The tendency to approach or avoid competitive situations. Summed up as the drive to succeed minus the fear of failure
The need to achieve; approach behaviour. The player welcomes competition
The need to avoid failure; avoidance behaviour. The player avoids risk
Attributing success internally
Giving a reason for success that is due to the responsibility of the player
The combination of the situation and personality factors that decide the level of achievement motivation
A belief in the ability to master a task
Trait confidence
A belief in the ability to do well in a range of sports
State confidence
A belief in the ability to master a specific sporting movement
Competitive orientation
The degree to which a performer is drawn to challenging situations
Objective sporting situations
The performance takes into account the situation in which the task is being undertaken
A belief in the ability to master a specific sporting situation
Performance accomplishments
What you have achieved already
Vicarious experience
Seeing others do the task
Verbal persuasion
Encouragement from others
Emotional arousal
A perception of the effects of anxiety on performance
Someone who has influence in helping others to achieve their goals
Prescribed leader
Appointed from outside the group
Emergent leader
Appointed from within the group
Autocratic approach
Leader makes the decisions
Decisions are made by group consultation
Person-orientated leadership
Concerned with interpersonal relationships
Task leadership
Concerned with getting results
Required behaviour
What the situation demands
Actual behaviour
What the leader decides to do in relation to leadership styles
Preferred behaviour
What the group wants
A negative response of the body to a threat causing anxiety
A positive response of the body to stress
Cognitive effects of stress
These are psychological
Somatic effects of stress
These are physiological
Cue utilisation
The ability to process information is directly linked to the level of arousal
A perception of the reason for an outcome of an event
Internal attribute
Within the performer’s control
External attribute
Outside the performer’s control
Stable attribute
Unlikely to change in the short-term
Unstable attribute
Can change in a short amount of time
Self-serving bias
Using external and/or unstable reasons fro losing
Learned helplessness
Using internal stable reasons for losing
Attribution retraining
Changing the reasons given for success and failure