Psychological Factors in Dental Care Flashcards
What is the biopsychosocial model?
- model considering biological, psychological and social factors
- biological
- genetics
- viruses
- bacteria
- structural defects
- psychological
- cognitions
- emotions
- behaviours
- social
- social norms
- pressure to change
- social values
- social class
- ethnicity
What is the CBT 5 Areas model?
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- behaviour, emotions body, thoughts, situation
- body
- physical problems requiring fixing
- thoughts
- what a patient thinks about attending
- what a patient thinks they need done
- emotions
- often why patients attend dentist
- can indicate problem with body
- pain, fear and anxiety
- behaviour
- what patient does
- important for prevention
- situation
- social aspect
- situational modification
What is the personality five factor model?
- openness to experience
- likelihood to try something new
- conscientiousness
- work ethic
- risk of burnout
- neglect to other areas of like
- extraversion
- outgoing
- sociable
- like to be around others
- agreeableness
- likelihood to put others needs before your own
- more patient
- make sacrifices for others benefit - females tend to be more agreeable
- being highly agreeable can result in resentment
- likelihood to put others needs before your own
- neuroticism
- likelihood of experiencing negative emotion
- sadness, fear, disgust
- consistent pattern over time
- routine very important to reduce