Psychological Explanation Flashcards
Family dysfunction
Emphasises the idea of childhood upbringing in particular trauma, stressing the importance of how maladaptive family relationships and poor communication within the household
Schizophrenogenic mother
- Mother lacks the necessary emotional warmth with their children
- Mother blamed for development of the disorder
Double-bind hypothesis
Confusing and contradicting situations that children may find themselves in. One or both parents are unable to provide for the child or threaten to withdraw financial or basic physical care
High expressed emotion
Families reaction to a deteriorating mental state can have a huge affect on prognosis. Hostility or non tolerant behaviour that the family member believes may help can actually cause relapse
Research to support
Lidz et al (1965) = 50 schizophrenic patients and investigated family background. 90% had seriously disturbed families. 60% had one or more parents with a serious personality disorder
Socially sensitive
Cause and effect
Difficult to establish, high expressed emotion
Alternative explanations
Biological approach - more scientific