Psychological Disorders: Chapter 15 Flashcards
fear of being in a place or situation from which escape is difficult or embarrassing, or in which help is unavailable in the event of a panic attack
antisocial personality disorder
condition marked by a lengthy history of irresponsible and/or illegal actions
anxiety sensitivity
fear of anxiety related sensations
institution for people with mental illnesses created in the 15th century
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
childhood condition marked by excessive inattention, impulsivity, and activity
Autism spectrum disorder
DSM-5 category that includes autistic disorder and Asperger’s disorder
bipolar disorder
condition marked by a history of at least one manic episode
borderline personality disorder
condition marked by extreme instability in mood, identity, and impulse control
catatonic symptom
motor problem, including extreme resistance to complying with simple suggestions, holding the body in bizarre or rigid postures, or curling up in a fetal position
categorical model of mental illness
model in which a mental disorder differs from normal functioning in kind rather than degree
cognitive model of depression
theory that depression is caused by negative beliefs and expectations
co-occurrence of two or more diagnoses within the same person
repetitive behaviour or mental act performed to reduce or prevent stress
governmental policy in the 1960s and 1970s that focused on releasing hospitalized psychiatric patients into the community and closing mental hospitals
strongly held. fixed belief that has no basis in reality
demonic model
view of mental illness in which odd behaviour, hearing voices, or talking to oneself was attributed to evil spirits infesting the body
depersonalization/derealization disorder
condition marked by multiple episodes of depersonalization
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
diagnostic system containing the American Psychiatric Association (APA) criteria for mental disorders
diathesis-stress model
perspective proposing that mental disorders are a joint product of a genetic vulnerability, called a diathesis, and stressors that trigger the vulnerability
dimensional model of mental illness
model in which a mental disorder differs from normal functioning in degree rather than kind