Psychological Disorders and Stress Flashcards
Mental Disorders
Disorders of the mind
Type of negative stress that builds up over time
Positive type of stress that happens when situation is perceived as challenging, but motivating
Neutral stress that is not directly impactful
Psychological Disorder
Set of behavioral/psychological symptoms that are not in keeping with cultural norms and severe enough to cause significant personal distress and/or impairment to social, occupational, or personal functioning
Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders edition 5 is a classification system that classifies and diagnoses mental health conditions
Anxiety Disorders
Characterized by excessive fear (specific or generally) and/or anxiety of real/imagined future events with physiological and psychological symptoms
Panic Disorder
Anxiety - Suffered at least one panic attack and is afraid of having another one
Intense dread, shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety - Tense or anxious much of the time about many issues but does not experience panic attacks. Chronic nervousness can feel like a moving target from one thing to another
Restlessness, poor concentration, irritability, muscle tension, insomnia
Specific Phobia and Social Phobia
Anxiety - many types, feels that fears are unreasonable, panic attack or anxiety when confronted with feared object or situation
Social Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety - Paralyzing fear when one is seen or watched by others (even while performing routine activities like eating)
Obsessive-Compulsive Related Disorders
Obsessions (thoughts), compulsions (actions) or both that are repeated and uncontrollable
Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders
Dysphoria, aggression, or dissociation as a response to a traumatic or stressful event
People in low socioeconomic environments encounter more stressors and are more susceptible to these
Trauma/Stressor - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - after witnessing something extremely traumatic that involves death, serious injury, or sexual violence
Acute Stress Disorder
Trauma/Stressor - Similar to PTSD but shorter duration, last between 3 days and 1 month
PTSD can start as Acute stress disorders
Adjustment Disorder
Trauma/Stressor - Maladaptive response is to a stress (romantic break up, job issues, marital issues ) rather than a trauma. Can last anywhere from 3-6 months
Somatic System Related Disorders
Distress and Decreased Functioning due to persistent physical symptoms and concerns that mimic physical disease but are not rooted in any detectable pathophysiology
Somatic Symptom Disorder
Somatic System Related - Diminished functioning stemming from excessive preoccupation with and/or anxiety about somatic symptoms
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Somatic System Related - Commonly known as hypochondriacs - same as somatic symptom disorder except the somatic symptom is extremely small or nonexistant
Conversion Disorder
Somatic System Related - Someone who experiences changes in sensory/motor function that has no discernable physical or physiological cause
Person exhibits symptom of altered voluntary motor or sensory function that cannot be explained by mental disorder (ex. hand is paralyzed but not injured, cannot be medically explained)
Factitious Disorder
Somatic System Related - Munchhausen Syndrome . Person fabricating an illness and went to a further step of falsifying evidence or symptoms of the illness/inflicting harm on ones self to induce injury/illness
Bipolar/Related Disorders
Experiences of cyclic mood episodes oscillating between extremes or poles of depression and mania (formerly called manic depression)
Manic Episode
Bipolar - Person experienced an abnormal euphoric, unrestrained, or irritable mood for at least one week (increase in goal-directed activity), energy increases irritability
Bipolar I Disorder
Bipolar - Diagnosed only if there has been a spontaneous manic episode not triggered by treatment for depression/caused by another medical condition or medication
Can be a mixed episode where you meet symptoms for both major depressive and manic episodes.
Bipolar II Disorder
Bipolar - Manic phases are less extreme. Cyclic moods including at least one major depressive episode and one hypomanic episode but not manic or mixed episode.
Hypomanic Episode
Bipolar - Manic episode (euphoria) for at least four days