Psychological Disorders and Stress Flashcards
Mental Disorders
Disorders of the mind
Type of negative stress that builds up over time
Positive type of stress that happens when situation is perceived as challenging, but motivating
Neutral stress that is not directly impactful
Psychological Disorder
Set of behavioral/psychological symptoms that are not in keeping with cultural norms and severe enough to cause significant personal distress and/or impairment to social, occupational, or personal functioning
Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders edition 5 is a classification system that classifies and diagnoses mental health conditions
Anxiety Disorders
Characterized by excessive fear (specific or generally) and/or anxiety of real/imagined future events with physiological and psychological symptoms
Panic Disorder
Anxiety - Suffered at least one panic attack and is afraid of having another one
Intense dread, shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety - Tense or anxious much of the time about many issues but does not experience panic attacks. Chronic nervousness can feel like a moving target from one thing to another
Restlessness, poor concentration, irritability, muscle tension, insomnia
Specific Phobia and Social Phobia
Anxiety - many types, feels that fears are unreasonable, panic attack or anxiety when confronted with feared object or situation
Social Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety - Paralyzing fear when one is seen or watched by others (even while performing routine activities like eating)
Obsessive-Compulsive Related Disorders
Obsessions (thoughts), compulsions (actions) or both that are repeated and uncontrollable
Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders
Dysphoria, aggression, or dissociation as a response to a traumatic or stressful event
People in low socioeconomic environments encounter more stressors and are more susceptible to these
Trauma/Stressor - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - after witnessing something extremely traumatic that involves death, serious injury, or sexual violence
Acute Stress Disorder
Trauma/Stressor - Similar to PTSD but shorter duration, last between 3 days and 1 month
PTSD can start as Acute stress disorders
Adjustment Disorder
Trauma/Stressor - Maladaptive response is to a stress (romantic break up, job issues, marital issues ) rather than a trauma. Can last anywhere from 3-6 months
Somatic System Related Disorders
Distress and Decreased Functioning due to persistent physical symptoms and concerns that mimic physical disease but are not rooted in any detectable pathophysiology
Somatic Symptom Disorder
Somatic System Related - Diminished functioning stemming from excessive preoccupation with and/or anxiety about somatic symptoms
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Somatic System Related - Commonly known as hypochondriacs - same as somatic symptom disorder except the somatic symptom is extremely small or nonexistant
Conversion Disorder
Somatic System Related - Someone who experiences changes in sensory/motor function that has no discernable physical or physiological cause
Person exhibits symptom of altered voluntary motor or sensory function that cannot be explained by mental disorder (ex. hand is paralyzed but not injured, cannot be medically explained)
Factitious Disorder
Somatic System Related - Munchhausen Syndrome . Person fabricating an illness and went to a further step of falsifying evidence or symptoms of the illness/inflicting harm on ones self to induce injury/illness
Bipolar/Related Disorders
Experiences of cyclic mood episodes oscillating between extremes or poles of depression and mania (formerly called manic depression)
Manic Episode
Bipolar - Person experienced an abnormal euphoric, unrestrained, or irritable mood for at least one week (increase in goal-directed activity), energy increases irritability
Bipolar I Disorder
Bipolar - Diagnosed only if there has been a spontaneous manic episode not triggered by treatment for depression/caused by another medical condition or medication
Can be a mixed episode where you meet symptoms for both major depressive and manic episodes.
Bipolar II Disorder
Bipolar - Manic phases are less extreme. Cyclic moods including at least one major depressive episode and one hypomanic episode but not manic or mixed episode.
Hypomanic Episode
Bipolar - Manic episode (euphoria) for at least four days
Major Depressive Episode
Bipolar - Person felt worse than usual every day for weeks; has depressed mood or decreased interest in activities
Cyclothymic Disorder
Bipolar - Similar to bipolar disorders but moods are less extreme.
Depressive Disorders
More acute than moodiness; persistent pattern of abnormal and often painful mood symptoms severe enough to cause significant personal distress and/or impairment to social, occupational, or personal functioning
Major Depressive Disorder
Depressive - A person who suffered one or more major depressive episodes. Could be planning suicide, and episodes of depression occur during certain seasons (usually fall and winter)
Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
Depressive - less intense, but typically more chronic form of depression. Milder symptoms of depression for at least two years with symptoms never absent for more than two months (but no major depressive episode)
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Depressive - Diagnosed only in women, many of the symptoms of major depressive episode are present (intensify in the final week before onset of menses)
Unique symptoms: feeling keyed up or on edge, specific food cravings, sense of being overwhelmed, and physical symptoms of menstruation
Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Disorders
Diagnosed when someone has been experiencing one or more of the following for longer than 6 months
positive symptoms: Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, disorganized motor behavior
negative symptoms: decreased emotional expression, avolition (lack of motivation), alogia (decreased speech)
False belief that is not due to culture and not relinquished despite evidence that it is fake
False sensory perception that occurs while a person is conscious (not during sleep or delirium)
Dissociative Disorders
Disruptions in awareness, memory, and identity are extreme and/or frequent and they cause distress or impair person’s functioning. Triggered by severe stress or psychological conflicts (usually begin and end suddenly)
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dissociative - Alternates among two or more distinct personality states (identities), only one of which interacts with other people at a given time. Previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder
Dissociative Amnesia
Dissociative - At least east one episode of forgetting some important personal information creating gaps in memory that are usually related to severe stress or trauma
Dissociative Fugue
Person wandering aimlessly during dissociative amnesia experiencing it as some kind of journey
Depersonalization Derealization Disorder
Disorder - Recurring or persistent feeling of being cut off or detached from his or her body or mental processes as if observing themselves from the outside in something like an out of body experience
Personality Disorders
Enduring, rigid set of personality traits that deviates from cultural norms, impairs functioning, and causes distress either to the person with the disorder or to those in his or her life
Split into 3 clusters (A, B, C)
Personality Disorder Cluster A
Paranoid (profound distrust)
Schizoid (emotionally detached, little interest in close relationships
Schizotypal ( Interpersonal problems with odd beliefs - magical or paranoid thinking)
Personality Disorder Cluster B
Antisocial (history of serious behavior problems beginning at young teen, impulsive and unstable)
Histrionic (strong desire to be center of attention - personal appearance, seductive behavior
Narcissistic (feels grandiosely self important, fantasies of beauty, brilliance, power)
Personality Disorder Cluster C
Avoidant (feels inadequate, inferior, and undesirable and preoccupied with fears of criticism and conflict)
Dependent (needs to be taken care of by others, unrealistic fear of not being able to take care of self)
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) (perfectionist, rigid, and stubborn with strong need for control)
Stress-diathesis theory
While genetic inheritance provides biological predisposition for schizophrenia, stressors elicit onset of the disease
Dopamine Hypothesis
Pathway for neurotransmitter dopamine is hyperactive in people with schizophrenia
hypo-activation of frontal lobes may be responsible for negative signs
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Something abnormal ocurred to the brain during early development whether in utero or shortly after birth
Ex. Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21), ADHD (PET scans show understimulation of the brain), Autism
Neurocognitive Disorders
Dementia (general term) is a term for severe loss of cognitive ability beyond what would be expected from normal Aging
Ex. Alzheimer’s Disease (anterogade amnesia - inability to form new memories and step-wise retrograde amnesia),
Alzheimer’s Disease
Cortical disease (affects outermost tissue of brain) by neuritic plaque formations (of beta-amyloid proteins). Noe vidence as to why these tangles form
Parkinson’s Disease
Movement disorder caused by death of cells that generate dopamine in basal ganglia/substantia - subcortical structures in the brain
Resting tremor, slow rigid movements, and shuffling gait
Sleep-wake Disorders
Result in distress from sleep related issues (insomnia, sleep apnea, sleep-walking)
Substance-related and addictive disorders
Involve disablity from abnormal use of substances that affect mental functions (alcohol, tobacco, gambling)
Feeding and Eating Disorders
Distresses caused by behavioral abnormalities related to food (anorexia nervosa)
Elimination Disorders
Distresses from urination at inappropriate times
Gender Dysphoria
Disabilities caused by a person identifying as different gender than society represents them
Paraphilic Disorders
Sexual Arousal to unusual stimuli
Cheynes-Stroke breathing
Increase then decrease in breathing followed by a complete stop in breathing which causes central sleep apnea
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Result of soft tissue obstruction in the airways
Hyperventilation Disorder
Inability to completely ventilate the lungs
Neurological disorder characterized by inability to recognize familiar people based on facial information alone
Neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second pathway
How an event is interpreted by an individual
Stressors (3 types)
Catastrophes - unpredictable large scale events that include natural disasters and wartime events. Repercussions felt for years after
Significant Life Changes - moving, leaving home, losing job, marraige, death of loved one, etc.
Daily hassles - everyday irritations of life (ex. bills, scheduling activities)
Learned Helplessness
Sense of exhaustion and lack of belief in one’s ability to manage situations
Fight or Flight
Sympathetic Nervous system release of adrenaline; increase BP, increase HR/RR
Glucocorticoid hormone initiated by hypothalamus, located above brainstem. Prolonged release is stressful
Means of recording and feeding back information about subtle autonomic responses in an attempt to train the individual to control involuntary responses