Psycholinguistic Model Flashcards
Ellis and Young
1988 psycholinguistic model of aphasia (just at the word level)
-describes aphasia based on functional lesion
prognostic factors
- traumatic lesion better outcome than vascular
- site of lesion: angular gyrus involvement less chance of recovery (becuase of aud comp)
Tx factors
- bhogal et al 2003: need at least 2 hours/week to make a difference; intense treatent (more than 8.8 hrs a week) over a short period of time is more effective than less intense over longer period
- Robey 1998: treatment during acute preiod is 2x more effective
Syndrome approach
sensitive for MILD affected patients
- type of aphasia determined based on rating scale profile of speech characteristics: articulatory agility, phrase length, grammatical form, melodic line, paraphasias in running speech, word finding, sentence repetition, auditory comprehension
- based on conversational and expository speech
- better for lower level patients
- criteria for determinng syndome is based on objective scores, rather than a rating scale
Auditory analysis system (AAS)
feature detector (i.e. stop consonant/voied/voiceless)
- dstinguishes between speech and nonspeech
- detects frequency, freqeucny changes, VOT
- activates stored rep of PHONEME
- no meaning or words yet, ONLY phonetic info
auditory input lexicon (AIL)
- first level where brain recognizes WORD
- matches acoustic waveform to stored word representation
- basically recognizes familiar spoken words
Semantic system
- storehouse for words and their meanings
- everything revolves around it
speech output lexicon (SOL)
storage for memory of pronunciation of words
Phoneme Level (PL)
-speech.. speicies how you are going to say the word
AIL–>SS link
- request for meaning of the recognized word happens between this connection
- -allows heard recognized words to access meaning from semantic system
AAS–>PL link
-pathway often used for repetition of nonwords and unfamiliar words
-no meaning attached to these words, so they can’t go through the semantic system
(bypass route)
Repetition of REAL words route
AUD COMP words
AAS–>PL (for nonwords)