Psychodynamic Personality Flashcards
Dynamic personality types / syndromes, organizations, and functioning
a pattern of pervasive, chronic sense of loss, inadequacy, a deep-seated fear of rejection or disappointing others, chronic self-criticism.
- self-critical
- interested in other people
- sensitive to separation
- takes outside criticism very harshly
Depressive Personality
characterized by self-sacrifice, enduring suffering, a tendency to seek punishment, and struggling with assertiveness
- goes down even harder on self to demonstrate either being a good person or maintaining a relationship
-tend to stay in abusive relationships longer
- tend to have histories of parental neglect except for when they were sick or injured
- sometimes tend to focus on complaining abt. others in therapy; patient transfers attitude ‘you’re gonna try to help me, but you’re gonna fail’
Masochistic Personality
characterized by a pervasive distrust of others, coupled with a tendency to interpret others’ actions as malevolent
- also may have trait of overtrusting people that they idealize
- less preoccupied with suspicion– strong emphasis more on trust-distrust black-and-white thinking pattern
Paranoid Personality
characterized by emotional detachment, social disinterest, and a preference for introspective solitary activities
- trait of withdrawing from closeness; a longing to be close
- have moments of closeness before retreating
Schizoid Personality (NON-DSM)
characterized by perfectionism, rigidity, a fear of losing control, preoccupation with order, and difficulty delegating tasks
- theme of control vs. discontrol
- concerned with neatness v. messiness; promptness, lateness
- focused on what’s right to do, what’s timely; conscientious, neat, fastidious
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality (non-DSM)
characterized by attention-seeking behavior, emotional shallowness, a strong desire for external validation, and intense emotional expressions
- concerned with gender and gender roles; power; sexuality
- symptoms expressing preoccupation w/ those areas, oftentimes unconscious
- ex. a woman w this personality may have strong rejection to advice when a man man-splains to her; best route is to assist her in drawing own conclusions
Histrionic Personality (non-DSM)
- sometimes referred to as hysterical [personality]
characterized by grandiosity or covert grandiose fantasies, a need for admiration, and avoidance of feelings of inadequacy. this is accompanied by a sense of entitlement as well as a lack of or diminished affective empathy
- use grandiose ideas to defend against shame
Narcissistic Personality (non-DSM)
characterized by excessive reliance on others, a fear of abandonment, passivity, and constant reassurance to mitigate fears of abandonment
- different appearances in men and women
- don’t know who you are or what you’re after except as defined by another person
Dependent Personality (non-DSM)
characterized by avoidance dependency, intimacy, and a concern with maintaining autonomy and self-reliance
- “I want to rely on myself; I care for myself when I’m sick; I don’t need anyone”
Counter-dependent Personality
characterized by manipulative behavior, impulsivity, deceitful conduct, shallow emotions, and a disregard for the rights and feelings of others without ethical constraints
(what the DSM refers to as ASPD)
- internal experience is “I have to depend on omnipotent control everywhere, my worth is only dependent on what I can make happen”
- tend to be understimulated
- typically in positions of power such as generals, presidents– a draw to power
- narcissistic personality loves to be seen; seen as powerful,* whereas psychopathic personality loves power itself
Psychopathic Personality
characterized by moderate psychological distress, anxiety-driven behaviors, and unresolved conflicts
Neurotic Organization
- deep suffering; symptom-struck
- transference onto therapist far stronger; a deeper-denial and rejection state
- very high resistance to treatment and support
Psychotic Range
characterized by adoptive coping, positive relationships, realistic self-perception; resilience, effective problem-solving, and fulfillment
- have pretty good attachment security; almost all therapies would work with this individual
- can observe complexities in self and others
- communicative; appreciative of therapy, tries to cooperate; has realistic goal
- can grieve painful realities without as much resistance
Healthy Organization
Intense emotional instability, identity issues, fear of abandonment, turbulent relationships, impulsive behavior, self-image challenges
- intensity; black-and-white thinking,
- linked to Type D in Strange Situation Experiment; monkey clings to cloth mother and bites it; a patient says to therapist “you’re the only one who could help me, and i hate you” at the same time
- based in terrible neglect and traumatic experience
Borderline Functioning
characterized by severe personality distortion, hallucination, delusions; impaired thought processes, disrupted emotions, significant functional impairment
-heavy emphasis on fear
- marked by distortion of internal feelings and external reality
- have primitive defenses– said defenses are not working for them
- often in a state of terror; closely linked with annihilation anxiety
Psychotic Functioning