psychodynamic explanation Flashcards
what is the inadequate superego?
criminals have deficient superegos so providing more rein to the id
what are two psychodynamic explanations of offending?
inadequate superego
maternal deprivation
what are three types of inadequate superego?
- weak superego
- deviant superego
- the over-harsh superego
what is the weak superego?
- caused by an absent same sex-parent in phallic stage
- superegp develops as result of identification with same sex parent = if parent not around - superego will not develop properly
- person will have little control over anti-social behaviour + likely to act in ways that gratifies their ID impulses
what is the deviant superego?
- caused by the internalisation of an immoral superego from deviant parents
- normal identification with same-sex parent = child take on same attitudes
- but if parent = criminal - child will adopt same attitudes
what is the over-harsh superego?
- healthy superego based on identification with parent who has firm rules but forgives transgressions
- contrast - excessively punitive/overly harsh parenting style leads to child with overharsh sego - crippled by guilt + anxiety
- may unconsciously drive individual to perform criminal acts to satisfy segos need for punishment
what is the maternal deprivation theory?
- focuses on lack of a mother to attach to during infancy leading to criminal behaviour - specifically affectionless psychopathy
- ability to form meaningful social relationships in adulthood dependent on forming close, warm + continuous rship with mother first few years
- rship = prototype - disruption impairs relate to others - can result in ‘affectionless psychopathy’
what supporting research is there for the inadequate superego
- megargee (1966)
- found an 11 year old boy who was polite and softly spoken stabbed his brother 34 times
- this supports harsh superego where the individual is likely to have strict parents and uses repression as a defence mechanism
- this built up over time causing an unexpected outburst that contradicted his usual personality and leading to offending behaviour
- real life application of the psychodynamic explanation
why does the inadequate superego have a gender bias
- females do not suffer from castration anxiety so do not identify with their same sex parent as strongly as boys do
- this would suggest that girls have weaker super egos and so offend more
- however 4/5 crimes are committed by men showing that men actually commit more crime
- this contradicts the psychodynamic explanation and also imposes an alpha bias where it suggests the same principle applies to both males and females
why is the inadequate superego socially sensitive
- suggests that offending behaviour is due to parents
- individuals with one parent who is of the opposite sex is blamed for their childs behaviour
- it places the blame of criminlaity on the parent even though it may have been out of their control
- socially sensitive as theory targets single parents
evaluate maternal deprivation
how is bowlbys maternal deprivation theory being correlational a limitation?
- relatioship between maternal deprivation and offending is only correlational
- lewis (1954) found that maternal deprivation is a poor predictor of offending
- there is no direct link between but usually other factors like poverty, genetics, relationships with others that can all affect offending too
- suggests that maternal deprivation alone is not an adequate explanation of offending
why is bowlbys maternal deprivation theory outdated
- study occured in 1944
- since then there have been many changes to society
- for example, child tac credit and NHS that all provide support for children in struggling homes or who are alone
- this weakens the effect of maternal deprivation on the child
- theory lacks historical validity as the same results may not be found if research is repeated
- effect of maternal deprivation may not be as severe today