Psychodynamic approach Flashcards
What are the assumptions of the psychodynamic approach ?
- unconscious mind determines behaviour - psychic determinism (no free will)
- We possess inate instincts that drive motivation
- Tripartite explanation of personality
- Importance on childhood experiences determining our personality in adulthood
What are the methods that the psychodynamic approach use ?
- Based on case studies
- treatment through psychoanalysis ‘talking cures;
- Free association - Repressing immediate and unconscious thoughts as they happen
- Dream interpretation - analysis of the underlying meaning (latent content) of what was remembered from a dream (manifest content)
What are the levels of consciousness ?
- The conscious mind = the things we are aware of (the tip of the iceberg)
- The pre-conscious contains thoughts and memories which are accessible if needed
- Accessible through dreams and parapraxes
- Unconscious mind stores biological drive
- Unconscious mind has a large influence on behaviour and personality
- Threatening and disturbing memories
What are the three parts of the tripartite personality ?
- ID
- Ego
- Superego
What is the ID part of persoanlity ?
- Primitive (early stages) of our personality
- operates on a pleasure principle (selfish, get’s what it wants)
- Seething mass of unconscious drives and instincts
- Only aspect of personality present at birth
What is the ego part of the personality ?
- Works on the reality principle
- Mediator between the ID and the superego
- Develops at around 2 years
- Manages the use of defence mechanisms
What is the superego part of the personality ?
- Formed around 5 years
- Internalises a sense of right from wrong
- Based on the morality principle
- Internalises the moral standards of the same-sex parent (Daughter learns from the mother)
- Punishes the ego for wrongdoing through guilt
What is a defence mechanism ?
- Used unconsciously (role of the unconscious)
- Balance the Id and the superego
- Prevents the ego from feeling overwhelmed
- May distort reality
- Unhealthy and undesirable for the long term
- E.G Denial, repression, displacement and avoidance
What are the 5 stages of Freud’s study ?
- Oral
- Anal
- Phallic
- Latency
- Genital
What is the oral stage ?
Age: 0-1 years
Definition: Focus is on the pleasure in the mouth, mother’s breast is the desire.
Conflict : Weaning
Consequence of unsolved conflict: Smoking, nail biting, sarcastic
What is the anal stage ?
Age: 1-3 years
Focus on pleasure is the anus. Child gains pleasure from withholding and expelling faeces
Conflict - toilet training
Consequence of unsolved conflict:
Anal retentive - perfectionist, obsessive
Anal expulsive - thoughtless, messy
What is the phallic stage (3-6 years)
Focus on the pleasure of the genital area
Conflict - lack of father figure
Fixation - narcissistic, reckless, homosexual
What is the opedius complex ?
- Boy’s
- develop’s incestuous feelings for mum and a hatred for the dad
- fearing castration
- take on father’s gender role
What is the electra complex ?
Girls :
- desire father and hate father
- have penis envy
What is the latency stage ?
Age: 5-12 years
Earlier conflicts are repressed, this represses sexual urges
What is the genital stage ?
Age = 12 years plus
Sexual desires become conscious alongside the start of puberty
Conflict: sexual urges
Consequence of unsolved conflict: Difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
What are the strengths of the psychodynamic approach ?
Real life application
Has an impact on modern day therapies such as counselling. This shows the theory has helped treat disorders.W
What are the limitations of the psychodynamic approach ?
Not fully effective
Not appropriate or effective for all disorder. For example people with Schizophrenia may not be able to access the appropriate therapies due to their symptoms
Unscientific methods
Use case studies over experimental testing. Specifically freuds studies which are difficult to test which makes them very subjective. Therefore this lacks scientific credibility.