who created the psychodynamic approach?
what did Freud suggest about the role of unconscious?
mind is made up of the unconscious full of biological drives and instincts that influence our behaviour
what does the unconscious mind contain?
threatening and disturbing memories that have been repressed
how can repressed memories be accessed?
through parapraxes or slips of the tongue
what is the structure of our personality?
the id, the ego and the superego
what is the id?
a primitive part of our personality operating on the pleasure principle
what is the ego?
ego is a mediator between the id and the superego, employs a number of defence mechanisms
what is the superego?
the superego is at the end of the phallic stage and is based on the morality principle, which is the morals of the child’s same-sex parent
what are the psychosexual stages?
each stage marked at a different conflict in the child’s life, if get through successfully move onto the next stage but if they do not then they get stuck at that stage
when does the oral stage occur?
0-1 years
what occurs during the oral stage?
focus of pleasure (FOP) = mouth
mother breast in object of desire
what is the consequence of unresolved conflict during the oral stage?
smoking, biting nails, sarcastic and critical
when does the anal stage occur?
1-3 years
what occurs during the anal stage?
FOP = anus
pleasure from withholding and expelling faeces
what is the consequence of unresolved conflict in the anal stage?
anal retentive - perfectionist and obsessive
anal expulsive - thoughtless and messy
when does the phallic stage occur?
3-5 years
what occurs during the phallic stage?
FOP = genitails
opedius/electra complex
what is the consequence of unresolved conflict in the phallic stage?
phallic personality - narcissistic, reckless, possibly homosexual
what is latency?
when earlier conflicts are repressed
what is the genital stage?
sexual desires become conscious alongside the onset of puberty
what is the consequence of unresolved conflict in the genital stage?
difficulty forming heterosexual relationships