Psychoanalytic Flashcards
T/F - The psychosocial perspective is not compatible with the psychosexual view of development
T/F -Children who do not experience the opportunity to differentiate self from others may later develop a narcissistic personality disorder
The contemporary trends in psychoanalytic theory are reflected in object relations theory, the self psychology model, and the relational model
T/F brief psychodynamic therapists assume a neutral therapeutic stance as a way to promote transference
Analytic therapy is orientated towards achieving insight - t/f
T/F. Working through is achieved almost totally by catharsis including getting out deeply buried emotions
From the Freudian perspective, resistance is typically a conscious process. T or F
The contemporary psychoanalytic approaches place emphasis on the unconscious , the role of transference and counter transference and the importance of early life experiences. T or F
Object relation therapists focus on symbiosis, separation differentiation and integration T or F
In object relations theory there is an emphasis on early development as a decisive factor influencing later development T or F
Who of the following is NOT considered an object-relations therapist A. Heinz Kohut B. Margaret Mahler C. Otto Kernberg D. Erik Erikson
Which of the following is not considered a contemporary psychoanalytic approach? A. object-relations theory B. self psychology C. relational psychoanalysis D. classical psychoanalysis
Which of the following is not a characteristic of contemporary psychoanalytic approach?
a. Emphasis on the origins, transformations and organisational functions of the self
b. The contrasting experiences of others is highlighted
c. People are classified as compliant, aggressive or detached types
d. Focus is on the differentiation between the integration of self and others
e. Early development is seen as critical to understanding later development
All of the following are concepts developed by Carl Jung EXCEPT
a. the shadow
b. normal infantile autism
c. animus and anima
d. collective unconscious
e. archetypes
According to Ericsson’s psychosocial view, the struggle between industry and inferiority occurs during
a adolescence
b. Old age
C. School-age
Ericsson's preschool-age face correspondence to which Freudian stage? A. Oral B. Anal C. Phallic D. Latency E. genital
Which term refers to the repetition of interpretations and the overcoming of resistance so that clients can resolve neurotic patterns? A. Working through B. transference C. Counter transference D. Catharsis E. Acting out
Analysis of transference is a central to psychoanalysis because it
A. Keeps the therapist hidden and that is feeling secure
B. Allows clients to relive their past in therapy and gain insight
C. Helps clients formulate specific plans to change behaviour
D. It is considered the only way to get at unconscious material
E. It is the best way to understand one’s lifestyle
In brief psychodynamic therapy (bpt) the therapist
A. Assumes a nondirective and even passive role
B. Deals exclusively with a single presenting problem
C. Assumes an active role in quickly formulating a therapeutic focus that goes beyond the surface of presenting problems
D. Avoids treating any underlying issue
With respect to applying the psychoanalytic approach to group counselling, which statements are true
a. In psychodynamic therapy groups members re-create their social situations, implying that the group becomes a microcosm of their everyday lives
B. Members can profit from identifying and exploring their transferences within the group
C. Projections onto the therapist and other members provide a clue to members unresolved conflicts
D. One’s ways of relating within the group provides clues to patterns outside of the group
E. All of the above
Borderline and narcissistic disorders have been given much attention by a. Traditional psychoanalytic treatment B. Jungian therapy C. Object-relations theory D. Erikson's developmental approach
During psychoanalytic treatment, clients are typically asked
A. To monitor their behavioural changes by keeping the journal that describes what they do at home and work
B. To make major changes in their lifestyle
C. Not to make radical changes in the lifestyle
D. To give up their friendships
Countertransference refers to
A. The irrational reactions clients have towards their therapists
B. The irrational reactions therapists have towards their clients
C. The projections of the client
D. The client’s need to be special in the therapists eyes
E. All except a
Maintaining the analytic framework refers to
a. The whole range of procedural factors in the treatment process
B. The analysts relative anonymity
C. Agreement on the payment of fees
D. The regularity and consistency of meetings
E. All of the above
In psychoanalytic therapy (as opposed to classical analysis), which of the following procedures is LEAST likely to be used
A. The client lying on the couch
B. Working with transference
C. Relating presence struggles with past events
D. Working with dreams
E. Interpretation of resistance
What principle governs the id?
Pleasure principle
What principle governs the ego?
Reality principle
What is involved in the superego
Moral code, conscience, represents the ideal.
What are the psychosexual phases of Freud.
Oral Anal Phallic Latency Genital
What is the age range for the oral stage
Up to age 1
What is the age range for the anal stage
What is the age range for the phallic stage
What is the age range for the genital phase
What are the three forms of anxiety
Reality anxiety
neurotic anxiety
moral anxiety
What is reality anxiety
The fear of danger from the external world, the level of such anxiety is proportionate to the degree of real threat
What is neurotic anxiety
Fear that instincts will get out of hand and cause one to do something for which one will be punished
What is moral anxiety
The fear of one’s own conscience
What are ego defence mechanisms
Mechanisms that help the individual cope with anxiety and prevent the ego from being overwhelmed
- they either deny or distort reality
- they operate at an unconscious level
According to Freud, what is the result of needs not being adequately met during stages of development
The person may become fixated at that stage of development and act in psychologically immature ways.
What is a major difference between classical is psychoanalysts and contemporary psychoanalysts
Contemporary psychoanalysis is based upon ego psychology whereas classical psychoanalysts is based upon id psychology. Id psychology is based upon instincts and intra-psychic conflict. Ego psychology is based on mastery and competence throughout the life span not just the first six years.
Which Erikson stage compares to Freud’s anal stage
Autonomy versus shame and doubt
Which Erikson stage compares to Freud’s phallic stage
Initiative versus guilt
Which Erikson stage compares with Freud’s latency stage
Industry versus inferiority
Which Erikson stage compares with Freud’s genital stage
Identity versus raw confusion
What is transference relationship
The transfer of feelings originally experienced in an early relationship to other important people in a person’s present environment
What is the blank screen approach
An anonymous stance that allows the therapist very little self-disclosure and maintain a sense of neutrality to foster a transference relationship
What is repression
Exclusion of painful thoughts from awareness
When a client is asked to lay on the couch and say whatever comes into their mind
Free association
Features of pschodynamic therapy
dream intepretation
concerned with unconscious material
Are the clients encouraged to make changes in their lives during therapy
Is the couch used in psychodynamic therapy
No - face to face
What is the major difference in client/therapist relationship between psychoanalytic an psychodynamic therapy
Not as greatly detached as in psychoanlaysis
With transference how does relationship between client and therapist change
Client projects feelings about significant others onto the therapist
What is working through
exploring forms of resistance and repeated interpretations, dreams, transference etc
What is maintaining the analytic framework
Just about everything involved in the therapy including even such things as clarity on fees
What is latent content in dreams
hidden and symbolic content - often repressed feelings
What is manifest content in dreams
Content of the dream as it appears to the dreamer
What is resistance
anything that works against the progress in therapy - a defense against anxiety and fear of change
What is the main application in group counselling
transference feelings within the group but generally not used in a group setting.
What are the features of ego psychology
Classical p/a emphasis on id, ego and superego - Anna Freud, - defense mechanisms
What are the features of object-relations theory
Emphasis on internalisations of representations of others and how this affects relationships
What is self-psychology
How we use interpersonal relationships to define ourselves
What is the relational model
Based on interaction between therapist and counsellor. Conscious and unconscious dynamics at play in therapy
How does brief psychodynamic therapy differ from psa and pdt
time limited, therapist forms an active and directive role.