Gestalt Therapy Flashcards
True or false: resistance refers to defences we develop that prevent us from experienceing the present in a formal and real way
Blocked energy can be considered a form of resistance: true or false
The basic goal of Gestalt therapy is adjustment to society true or false
Include more emphasis on confrontation, more anonymity of the therapist, and increased reliance on techniques.
True or false: dreams contain existential messages, and each piece of dream work leads to assimilation of disowned aspects of the self
Gestalt therapy is well-suited for group counselling, especially when there is a here-and-now emphasis within the group
True or false: one of the functions of the therapist is to pay attention to the client’s body language
Gestalt techniques are primarily aimed at teaching clients to think rationally: true or false
A major function of the therapist is to make interpretations of clients’ behaviour so that they can begin to think of their patterns: true or false
The founder of Gestalt therapy contends that the most frequent source of unfinished business is resentment: true or false
The main founder of Gestalt therapy is: A. Carl Rogers B. Fritz Perls C. Albert Ellis D. William Glasser E. None of the above
Which of the following is NOT a key concept of Gestalt therapy?
A. The focus is on the “what” and “how” of behaviour
B. The focus is on the here and now
C. The focus is on integrating fragmented parts of personality
D. The focus is on unfinished business from the past
E. The focus is on the “why” of behaviour
Which of the following is NOT the key concept of Gestalt therapy?
A. Acceptance of personal responsibility
B. Intellectual understanding of one’s problems
C. Awareness of the present moment
D. Unfinished business
E. Dealing with the impasse
According to the Gestalt view, awareness
A. Is by itself therapeutic
B. Is necessary but not sufficient condition for change
C. Without specific behavioural change is useless
D. Consists of understanding the causes of one’s problems
The basic goal of Gestalt therapy is to help clients
A. Move from environmental support to self-support
B. Recognise which ego state that functioning in
C. Uncover unconscious motivation
D. Work through the transfer and is relationship with the therapist
E. Challenge their philosophy of life
The impasse is the point in therapy at which clients
A. Do not have external support available to them
B. Experience a sense of “being stuck”
C. A challenge to get into contact with their frustrations and accept whatever is
D. All of the above
Gestalt therapy can best be characterised as A. An insight therapy B. An experiential therapy C. An action-orientated therapy D. And empirically validated treatment E. A cognitive approach
Gestalt therapy encourages clients to A. Experience feelings intensely B. Stay in the here and now C. Work through the impasse D. Pay attention to their own non--verbal messages E. All of the above
The focus of Gestalt therapy is on
a. The relationship between client and counsellor
B. Free associating to the client’s dreams
C. Recognising one’s own projections in refusing to accept helplessness
D. Understanding why we feel as we do
E. All of the above
A Contribution of the Gestalt approach is that it
a. sheds light on transference
b. is primarily a cognitive perspective
C. stresses talking about problems
D. deals with the past in a lively manner