psychoactive Drugs & Addiction Flashcards
Psychoactive Drug
Is a chemical that changes our states of consciousness, and particularly our perception and moods
Drug that binds to receptors in the brain and activate the receptors they bind to
Drugs that occupy receptors but do not activate them Antagonists block receptor activation by agonists
Blood Brain Barrier
The blood-brain barrier serves a filter, controlling which molecules can pass from the blood into the brain
Occurs when the body gets used to a medication so that either more medication is needed to give the desired effect, or a different medication is needed. Depending on the drug, tolerance can develop acutely, in a manner of days, or chronically, over a number of weeks or months
Physical dependence
Occurs when people suffer from withdrawal symptoms, unpleasant and sometimes dangerous reactions that may occur when people who use a drug regularly stop taking or reduce their dosage of drug
Psychological Dependence
Cognitive and emotional aspects of addictive behaviors or the withdrawal process from drugs
People who have a drug addiction sometimes experience compulsive, sometimes uncontrollable, craving for their drug of choice
Rat Park Addiction
Slow the activity of the central nervous system. They reduce tension and inhibitions and may interfere with a person’s judgment, motor activity, and concentration
Any beverage containing ethyl alcohol including beer, wine, and liquor
Sedative Hypnotic Drugs
A drug used in low doses to reduce anxiety and in higher doses to help people sleep
Opium or any of the drugs derived from opium, including morphine, heroin, and codeine
Addictive sedative-hypnotic drugs that reduce anxiety and help people sleep
The most common group of anti-anxiety drugs, which includes Valium and Xanax
Substances that increase the activity of the central nervous system resulting in increased blood pressure and heart rate, more alertness, and sped-up behavior and thinking
The world’s most widely used stimulant, most often consumed in coffee
A stimulant drug that is manufactured in a lab
A powerful amphetamine drug, Illegal substance (crystal meth), super stimulant, effects, which can include eight hours or so of heightened energy and euphoria
The most powerful natural stimulant known (central active ingredient of the coca plant, found in South America)
A substance that causes powerful changes primarily in sensory perception, including strengthening perceptions and producing illusions and hallucinations. Is also called a Psychedelic drug
Powerful synthetic hallucinogen drug; also known as acid
Drugs produced from the variety of the hemp plant cannabis sativa. They cause a mixture of hallucinogenic, depressant, and stimulant effects. The higher the THC content, the more powerful the effects
Biological Influences
Researchers have come to suspect that drug misuse may have biological causes
Psychodynamic Views
Theorists believe that people with substance use disorders have powerful dependency needs that can be traced to their early years
Sociocultural Influences
People are most likely to develop substance use disorders when they live under stressful socioeconomic conditions
Behavioral Views
Operant conditioning may play a key role in substance use disorders. Temporary reduction of tension or raising of spirits produced by a drug has a rewarding effect, thus increasing the likelihood that the user will seek this reaction again
Cognitive Views
Theorists agree that rewards eventually produce an expectancy that substance will be rewarding and this expectation helps motivate people to increase drug use at times of tension
Withdrawal Day
24 hour period to feel the physiological effects of addiction and withdrawal