Psycho People Flashcards
Who founded the ILCT?
Pat Williams
What is the ILCT?
Institute for Life Coach Training AKA Therapist University
What is the ACTP?
Accredited Coach Training Program
What is the ICF?
International Coach Federation
What are the 4 main forces of psychology?
Freudian, behavioral, humanistic, and transpersonl
What are the newly introduced forces to psychology?
Cognitive-behavioral, Positive psychology,
Who introduced introspection to psychology?
Edward Titchener and Wilhelm Wundt
Father of American psychology?
Williams James
Who introduced first main force in psychology?
Freud with Freudian; psychoanalysis, exploring the unconscious mind (mechanistic theory)
Who introduced the 2nd main force in psychology?
BF Skinner and John Watson ; Behaviorism (reductionist theory)
Who initiated the 3rd main force in psychology?
Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers; Humanistic (personal, ontological, phenomenological)
Who initiated the 4th main force in psychology?
Maslow; transpersonal psychology; (mind, body, spirit / altered states of consciousness; LSD, etc)
Significance of Jung?
Holistic, spiritual understanding of human motivation
Who said “ Who looks outside dreams.. who looks inside awakens”
Who worked on social, family, and lifestyle interactions?
Alfred Adler: “What if?”
Who is the father of psychosynthesis?
Roberto Assagioli; subpersonalities
Feminist psychiatrist, studied rational-emotive theory?
Karen Horney
Founder of Gestalt Therapy; working with personality problems and conflicts?
Fritz Perls
Who worked on Change theory and figure-ground perspectives?
Kurt Lewin
Who developed Client-Centered approach?
Carl Rogers; brought us “unconditional positive regard” and “humanistic psychology”
Who introduced the Hierarchy of Needs?
Abraham Maslow
Who is the father of Humanistic and Transpersonal psychology?
Abraham Maslow
Who is the mother of Family therapy (or the Columbus of Family therapy?)
Virginia Satir
Who developed Logotherapy from his personal experience from WWII in a Nazi prison camp?
Viktor Frankl
What are the bases taught by Viktor Frankl?
Paradoxical intent; “what you resist persists”, “what you give energy to is what you manifest”
Pres of APA (American Psychological Association) and introduced Positive Psychology to academia?
Martin E.P. Seligman
Father of Hypnotherapy?(and languaging, double-binding client)?
Milton Erickson
Influencer of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
Erickson with Gregory Bateson
Created NLP?
Richard Bandler and John Grinder
Who popularize NLP?
Tony Robbins
Who introduced re-framing and pattern interruption?
Jeffrey Zeig and Bill O’Hanlon (students of Erickson)
Who developed Solution-focused therapy? (solution-oriented therapy?)
Bill O’Hanlon
Who blended solution focused therapy with short-term coaching sessions?
Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer; Peter Szabo
Speech act theory?
JL Austin and John
Philosopher who applied speech act therapy to human conversations?
Fernando Flores
Who devised one of coaching’s most useful tools? And what?
Fernando Flores; Making requests
What is EST?
Erhard Seminar Training; beings begin as a pure space and manifest through content
Who developed EST?
Werner Erhard
Who influenced EST and what is EST now?
Fernando Flores; Landmark Education
Who’s curriculum was influenced by Fernando Flores? Where?
Thomas Leonard; Coach University
Who promoted Positive Psychology as a strength-based approach to human fulfillment?
Martin Seligman
Who studied life development of Harvard grads over their 50-yr life span?
Daniel Levinson
Who studied how girls and women’s thinking differ form men?
Carol Gilligan
Who dev theories and methods for assessing dev of levels of consciousness in human life span?
Robert Kegan
Who integrated psychology and life beyond transpersonal approaches (takes all types of therapy and utilizes the at the most appropriate age)?
Ken Wilbur
What psychological therapy is best for those age 2-7 yo with disorders?
Freudian psychology
What psychological therapy is best suited for early adulthood?
Jungian psychology
What psychological therapy is best suited for those with healthy ego structures bu sense absence of higher meaning in life?
Psychologists best suited for early dev?
Freud, Piaget, Erikson, Kohlberg, Bandura, then Jung Gillian Aurobindo, Washburn, Kegan, Fowler, Underhill
What are the 3 basic findings that predicted increased sense of satisfaction and gratification in adults?
- Being in a stable romantic relationship, 2. Making a living from a vocation or calling, 3. Believing in something larger/greater than oneself
Who is the genius of the positive psychology movement?
Barbara Frederickson
Who is the father of modern counseling?
Carl Rogers
The Work Triangle?
Michael O’Brien