Psychiatry Flashcards
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (dg)
Before 12yo has ≥5 sympt from each category for ≥6mo in ≥2 settings (home/school/…) lead to signif social + academ impair
- Inatt: poor att span, poor att to details/careless mistakes, diff follow instruc/finish task, forgetful, easy distract*
- Hyperactiv/Impulsiv: fidget, leave seat in class, run around, cant play quiet, talk excess, dont wait his turn, interrupt others
ADHD (PE, ttt)
Persistent excessive inatt (esp girls) +/or hyperactiv/impulsiv (esp boys)
Betw/ 3-13yo; often familial
ttt: #1 behav modif, then pharmaco
- Psychostimulant: methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine; (side eff: insomn, irritab, ↓appetite, tic↑, ↓growth)
- Nonstimulant (SSRI, nortriptyline, bupropion) and alpha2-agonist (clonidine) and atomoxetine
Autism Spectrum Disorder (PE)
Esp boys; before 3yo
Wide variat* in IQ and severity (based on level of support needed)
AbNl/impair social interact* + communic + restrict activities/interests
Spoken language delay/absent
Stereotyp speech+behavior
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ttt)
Intensive special educat*
Behav manag
Symptom-targeted meds: neuroleptic if aggressive, SSRI for stereotyp behav
Family counseling!!!
Ass w/ Rett sd, fragile X sd, tuberous sclerosis
Disruptive behavioral disorders
Esp men/boys; Hx of abuse; ttt ptt and family
-Oppositional defiant disorder: negativistic defiant disobedient hostile behavior tow/ authority; ≥6mo
May progr to conduct dso
-Conduct disorder: persist violating basic rights of others, societal norms/rules; ≥1y. May be aggress (rape, cruelty) or nonaggress (steal, lie, annoy)
May progr to antisocial personality dso in adult
Intellectual developmental disorder
At <18yo; IQ<70 w/ def in adaptive fct* (hygiene, social skills)
Ass w/ male, chrom abNl, congen inf, teratogens, alcoh/drugs, inborn metab errors
Mild (IQ 50-70); mod (35-49); sev (20-34); profound (<20)
ttt: 1* prevent* (educat public + prenatal screen)
Family counseling/support, speech/lang therapy, physical therapy, behav interv, assist, social skills training
Tourette syndrome
Esp boys/men, starts <18yo; genetic predispo
Ass w/ ADHD, learning dso, OCD
Multiple motor tics + vocal tics, recurr for >1y
+ social/occupational impairment
ttt: dopamine recept antag (haloperidol) or clonidine
Behav therapy + counseling
CI stimulants
Schizophrenia (epidemiology, ttt)
Psychotic sympt + disorganizat* + negative sympt
1% pop; M=W; peak at 18-25yo in M and 25-35 in W
↑R if 1st relative also
Suicide: 50% attempt; 10% successful
ttt: antipsychotics + long-term follow-up
Supportive psychottt, train social skills, illness educat*
Atyp antipsy esp for negative sympt
Schizophrenia (PE)
≥2 sympt for ≥6mo w/ social/occupat dysfct*
- Positive sympt: hallucin, delus*, disorg speech, bizarre behav, thought dso
- Negative sympt: flat affect, ↓emotion, poor speech, lack of purposeful act*, anhedonia
Differential diagnosis of psychosis
- Brief psychotic disorder: >1d and <1mo
- Schizophreniform disorder: >1mo and <6mo
- Schizophrenia: >6mo
- Schizoaffective disorder: schizo + major affective dso (major depr dso or bipol dso)
- Schizotypal perso dso: magical thinking
- Schizoid perso dso: loner
- Delusional dso: persist nonbizarre fixed delus, unaffected fct
Typical antipsychotics
For psychotic disorders, acute agitat*, acute mania, Tourette, esp positive sympt of schizo
- High potency (haloperidol, fluphenazine): EPS > anticholinergic sympt; ↑QTc; TdP; neuroleptic malignant sd
- Low potency (thioridazine, chlorpromazine): anticholinergic sympt > EPS; orthostatic hypoTN; retinal pigm (thiorid)
Atypical antipsychotics
Risperidone, quetiapine, olanzapine, ziprasidone, aripiprazole, clozapine #1 ttt for schizo (↓side eff) Clozapine: sev ttt resistance
↑weight, DM2, somnolence, ↑QTc
Clozapine: agranulocytosis (CBC/wk for 6mo)
Extrapyramidal syndrome
- 4h: acute dystonia (ttt: anticholinergic)
- 4d: dyskinesia (ttt: anticholinergic or dopamine agonist; ↓or stop neuroleptic)
- 4wks: akathisia (ttt: ↓neuroleptic, give B⊖; +/- benzo or anticholin)
- 4mo: tardive dyskinesia (ttt: ↓/stop neuroleptic; clozapine; other meds)
- Anytime: neuroleptic malignant syndrome (ttt: stop med; support in ICU; dantrolene or bromocriptine)
Generalized anxiety disorder
Uncontrol excessive anxiety; multiple activities
Signif impairment/distress; M/F=1:2; early 20s
Anx most days for ≥6mo + ≥3 somatic sympt
ttt: short-term (benzo immed then taper bcz !tolerance)
Long-term: lifestyle, psychotherapy, meds (SSRI #1, venlafaxine, buspirone)
Panic disorder (PE)
Recurr unexpect panic attacks; W>M; ~25yo
+/- agoraphobia
≥1mo concern of having attacks
Intense fear/discomf + ≥4 sympt abrupt/peak in 10min (tachypn, palpit, chest pain, diaphor, N, trembl, dizzy, going crazy, deperson, hot flashes)
Panic disorder (ttt)
Short-term: benzo (immed) then taper bcz tolerance
Long-term: CBT, meds (SSRI #1, TCAs)
If ass w/ agoraphobia: ttt it also
Fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, citalopram, escitalopram
GAD, OCD, panic disorder, depress*, anxiety
Side eff: N, GI, somnol, sex dysfct, agitat*, insomn, tremor
!!!Not w/ MAOIs (dev serotonin sd)
Buspirone and B⊖
-Buspirone: GAD, social phobia
No tolerance, dependance or withdrawal
Side eff: seizures if chronic; !!!Not w/ MAOIs
-B⊖: prior to phobic disorder
Side eff: bradycardia, hypoTN
Anxiety, insomnia, alcohol withdrawal, M spasm, night terrors, sleepwalking
Side eff: ↓sleep durat; abuse/tolerance/dependence; disinhibit in young/old; confus*
Phobias (social and specific)
-Social: specific (speaking, urinating) or general (interact*)
Often ado
-Specific: feared object/situat*
Often childhood
Phobias (PE, ttt)
Excessive fear + avoidance
Signif distress/impairment and ⊕insight
ttt: social ph (CBT, SSRI, low-dose benzo, B⊖) Specific ph (CBT+desensitizat*, support, family psychottt)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Obsess* and/or compuls; signif distress/dysfct
Late ado or early adult; W=M
Obsess: persist unwant intrusive idea/impulse: marked anxiety/distress
Compuls: repeat mental act/behav to neutralize
OCD (#dg, ttt)
OCD: ⊕insight + wants to be ttt #OCPD = personality dso: do not recognize the prob
ttt: SSRIs #1, CBT (desensitizat), educat
Body dysmorphic disorder
Preoccupat* w/ imagined or slight physical defects Imperceptible to others Signif distress/impairment Obsess* + repetitive behav ttt: SSRIs
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Signif distress/impairment
Extreme life-threat traumatic event: direct expo, witnessing, indirect in close friend
4 sympt clusters for >1mo
Intrus* (reexperience), avoidance, negative alterat* in mood/cognit*, changes in arousal/reactivity
If >3d to <1mo: acute stress dso
PTSD (ttt)
Short-term: B⊖, alpha2-agonists (for anxiety)
Long-term: meds (SSRIs #1, … Avoid benzo), psychotherapy, support groups
Adjustment disorder
Signif distress after profound life change
But r/o other mental dso
3mo after stressor; resolv in 6mo
Anxiety, depressed mood, conduct; ↑R suicid
ttt: supportive counsel
Dementia (Major neurocognitive disorder) (PE)
Progress ↓cognit* w/ global deficits; Nl conscious
Esp Alzheimer or vascular dem
Impaired cognit* in order: Amnesia, Aphasia, Apraxia, Agnosia
Impaired executive fct*: plan, organize, abstract
+/- personality, mood, behav changes
Dementia (dg, ttt)
Dg: Hx+PE, serial MMSE
R/o treatable causes (labs, vitB12/B9, LFTs, UA, CT/MRI,…)
ttt: environmental cues for daily life
Cholinesterase inhib, family/ptt educat* + support
Low-dose antipsychotics (if aggress)
Avoid benzo
Delirium (PE)
Acute disturb conscious + altered cognit*
Hours to days; esp child/elder/hospit ptt
Wax/wane conscious + perceptual disturb (halluc, illus, delus); +/- anxiety, paranoid, stupor