Gynecology Flashcards
Normal female vs male development
Fem: growth accel → thelarche (brst) → pubarche (pub hair) → menarche
Male: testic enlarg → penile growth → pubarche → facial hair
Menopause (PE, dg)
≤12 months; average 51yo
Hot flashes; vag atroph; insomn; anxiety/irritab; poor concent; mood chang; dyspareu; loss libido
-Premature if <40yo
Dg: clinic; ↑FSH then ↑LH; ↑tot cholest w/ ↓HDL
Menopause (ttt)
-Horm replac ttt (estro+progest): if mod-sev vasomotor sympt (SHORT term ttt); ↑R breast cancer; ↑CV morbi/morta
CI: vag bleed; breast K; unttt endomet K; Hx of thromboemb; chron liv ds; hyperTg
-Non-HRT: SSRI/SNRI; clonidine; gabapentine (↓hot flsh)
-Topical estro: vag atroph
-Supplem+/-bisphosph: osteopor (Ca/vitD/exo)
Contraception (methods)
85% pgncy in 1y if no contracept*
- Eff >99%: progest arm implant; IUD progest; copper IUD; surg steriliz (vasectomy; tubal ligat*)
- Eff 90-99%: medroxyprogest IM; patch (E+P); ring (E+P); OCP (E+P); progest pill
- Eff 75-90%: male/female condoms; diaphragm w/ spermicide; awarness (no sex during ovulat*)
- Eff 68-74%: withdrawal (before ejacul); spermicide
Contraception (CI)
-Estrog: pgncy; stroke/HTN/DVT/PE; breast K; abNl vag bld; estrog-dep K; liver neopl; abNl liv fct*; tobacco+>35yo
- IUD both: sev ut structural abNl; pgncy; gyneco inf; vag bld; gyneco malign
- IUD copper: copp allergy/Wilson ds; sev dysmenorrhea; menorrhagia
- IUD progest: levonorg allergy; breast K; acute liv ds; liv tumor
Emergency contraceptive methods
Morning-after pill (E+P) (in 120h)
Morning-after pill (progest)
Copper T IUD (in 7d)
1* amenorrhea / Delayed puberty (etiologies)
1- No menses by 16yo; presence of 2* sexual develop
- 1* ov insuff (50%): esp Turner sd; radio/chemo therapy
- Central hypogon: undernourish; stress; hyperprolac; exo; CNS tumor (pituit; radiat*); Kallmann (gonadotrop def); constitutional growth delay
2- No 2* sexual charact by 14yo (No estrog; anatom/genet probl): Mullerian agenesis; imperfor hymen; complete androgen insensitivity; congen adren hyperplasia
1* amenorrhea (dg)
Pgncy test (#1); general detailed PE; US Karyotype/testo level: if no uterus FSH/LH: if uterus present Prolact level; DHEAS If HTN: 17a-OH and 11-OH def
1* amenorrhea (ttt)
No ttt: constitutional growth delay
Hypogonadism: HRT (just estrog) then 12-18mo later, E+P
Surg: if anatomic abNl
2* amenorrhea (etiologies)
No menses for 6 consecutive months
By pgncy; ovary (PCOS, premature ov failure); hypothal (neopl, fctional/nutrit*/exo/stress, systemic ds/DM1/celiac); pituit (adenoma, mass, Sheehan); hypothyroid; uterine (Asherman, cervical stenosis)
2* amenorrhea (dg)
Hx, PE, pgncy test, TSH, prolact (if ↑, MRI)
Progestin challenge
If hyperglyc or hypoTN: 1mg DXM suppr test (CAH#Cushing#Addison)
If viriliz: level testo, DHEAS, 17-HOprogest
2* amenorrhea (ttt)
- Hypothal: underl cause; OCPs; induce ovulat* w/ gonadotropins to get pgnt
- Tumor: excision; cabergol/bromocr for prolactinoma
- Premature ov fail: combined OCPs
1* dysmenorrhea
By ut vasoconstr, anoxia, sustained contract* by ↑PGF2a
Low midline spasmodic pelvic pain; first 1-3d of menses
Ass w/ nausea, diarr, headac, flush; No pathol finding
Dg of exclus; r/o 2 dysmeno
ttt: NSAIDs, topic heat, combined OCPs, progest IUD
2* dysmenorrhea
Esp by endometrios, adenomyos, fibroids, adhes, PID
Ut mass, cerv mot tender, adnex tender, vag disch
Dg: B-hCG (ectopic); CBC w/ diff (inf/neopl); UA; STD/PID
ttt: etiology
Endometriosis (PE, dg)
Endomet glds + stroma outside ut
Cyclic pelv/rect pain; dyspareun; restricted range of mot* of uterus
Dg: laparosc; blue-black/brown les*; choc cyst in ovaries (endometrioma)
Endometriosis (ttt, complications)
ttt: inhib ovul; combined OCP #1, leuprolide, danazol, NSAIDs, progest
Conserv surg: excis, cauterizat, lysis of adhes*
Defin surg: TAH/BSO +/- lysis of adhes*
Compl: infertility
Adenomyosis (PE, dg, complications)
Endomet in myometrium
Triad: pain, menorrhagia, enlarged boggy symm uterus
Dg: MRI; US; anapath
Compl: rarely progr to endometr carcinoma
Adenomyosis (ttt)
Symptom relied: NSAIDs (#1) w/ OCPs or progest
Conserv surg: resect* by hysteroscopy
Defin surg: hysterectomy
Abnormal uterine bleeding (etiologies)
Alterat* in qtty, durat*, fqcy; by PALM-COEIN
- Structur (PALM): Polyp, Adenomyos, Leiomyom, Malign/hyperplasia
- Nonstruct (COEIN): Coagulop, Ovulatory dysfct, Endometrial, Iatrogenic, Not yet classified
Abnormal uterine bleeding (PE)
Oligomeno: ↑length (35-90d) betw/ menses Polymeno: fqt menses (<21d); anovul Menorrh: ↑amount (>80mL) or prolong bld (>8d); anemia Metrorrh: bld betw/ periods Menometrorrh: excessive + irregular bld
Abnormal uterine bleeding (dg)
B-hCG; CBC (An); Pap smear (cerv K); gono/chlam; TFTs; prolact; plts/PT/PTT; US (mass, PCOS)
Endometr biopsy: if endom ≥4mm in postmenop or if >35yo w/ RF for endom hyperplasia (DM, obes)
Abnormal uterine bleeding (ttt)
-Acute heavy: high-dose estrog IV then E+P when bld stabilized. If estro CI, high-dose progest
If bld not stabil, D&C
-Ovulatory bld: NSAIDs; tranexamic acid (x5d); OCP/progest PO/inject/IUD
-Anovulatory bld: progest x10d; OCPs; progest IUD
-If all fails: D&C; hysteroscopy (biops/embolizat*); hysterectomy
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (PE, dg, ttt)
Androg excess: gen ambig, premat pubarche, menstr irreg, infertil, hirsut, acne, palpable pelv mass
Dg: PE, Cosyntropin stimulat* test !!!; cortisol, androstened, DHEA
ttt: GC (DXM), + MC (fludrocortisone) if salt wast
Hair removal: ttt adren/ovar disorders; laser; electr
21-hydroxylase deficiency
- Classic: most sev; bb girl virilizat* +/- salt wast
- Nonclassic: late onset; androg excess or asympt
↓MC ↓Cortisol ↑Sex Hes ↓BP ↓K+ ↑Renin and 17-HOprogest
11B-hydroxylase deficiency
↓Aldost but ↑11-deoxycorticosterone ↓Cortisol ↑Sex Hes ↑BP ↓K+ ↓Renin XX: virilizat*
17a-hydroxylase deficiency
↑MC ↓Cortisol ↓Sex Hes ↑BP ↓K+ ↓Androstenedione XY: pseudo-hermaph (ambig gen, undesc testes) XX: no 2* sex dev
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (dg, PE)
Dg: ≥2 of these: PCOS on US; oligo-anovulat*; hyperandrog (clinic/biochem)
Labs: ↑estrog+testo; !r/o other causes of hyperandr (adren/ovar tumor); 2-h gluc toler test; lipid/LPL
+/- ↑LH/FSH ratio; 24-h urin cortisol (r/o CAH/Cushing)
Obes, menstr disturb, infertil (#1 in W), acne, androg alopecia, hirsutism
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (ttt, complications)
- No pgncy plan: OCP (E+P), progest, +/-metformin
- Pgncy plan: clomiphene (SERM), +/-metformin
- Hirsut: OCP (E+P) #1; antiandrog (spironolact/finaster); metformin
- Obes/CV RF/lipid: diet, ↓weight, exo, statins
Compl: ↑R of DM2, metabolic sd, miscarr, breast/endomet cancer (unopposed estrog)
After 12mo of normal regular unprotected sex
1* (no prior pgncy) or 2* (prior pgncy)
-Male: testes, meds, thyroid, liv, hypoth/pituit
-Ovulatory: age, thyroid, galactorrh, menstr abNl
-Tubal/pelvic: PID, adhes, endometriosis, surg
-Cervical: cryottt, conizat, DES expo in utero
-Uterine: polyp, fibroid, congen anomalies
Cyst of Bartholin duct
Obstructed gland duct w/ mucus accum
1-3cm, unilat, asympt. If larger, painful swell+dyspareun
Mass at medial labia majora or lower vestibule
No ttt +/- warm soaks if asympt
Drain + biopsy if >40yo to r/o carcinoma