DSM Axis I:
Psychiatric d/o, substance dependence/abuse
DSM Axis II:
Personality d/o and mental retardation
Physical and medical problems
DSM Axis IV:
Social and environmental problems/stressors
DSM Axis V:
GAF (current and highest from past year)
2 features that distinguish MDD from Bereavement
- S/S last >2 mos
2. Excessive depressive Sx are present (suicidal ideation, excessive guilt, worthlessness)
Diagnosis of MDD
5/9 S/S of SIGECAPS (1 must be anhedonia or depressed mood) lasting at least 2 weeks
Major S/E of Trazodone
Major S/E of Bupropion
Decreased seizure threshold
Major S/E of Mirtazapine
Weight gain
Serotonin Syndrome S/S
restlessness, confusion, hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, CV collapse, death
Major S/E of TCAs
prolonged QRS, lethal in OD
Major S/E of MAOIs
Hypertensive crisis if taken w/ high-tyramine foods
Serotonin Syndrome
SSRI + MAOI + SNRI can all lead to serotonin syndrome
Serotonin Syndrome Prevention
D/C SSRI 5 weeks before starting MAOI