Psychiatry Flashcards
obsession v compulsion
· Obsession = intrusive unpleasant and unwanted thought/image/urge
Compulsion = repetitive senseless action taken to reduce the anxiety caused by the obsession
syndrome of person believing they are dead or non-existent
cotard syndrome
lithium SE
• N/V/D
• fine tremor
• nephrotox: polyuria, secondary to nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
• thyroid enlargement, can»_space; hypothyroidism
• ECG: T wave flattening/inversion
• weight gain
• idiopathic intracranial hypertension
• leucocytosis
hyperparathyroidism and resultant hypercalcaemia
lithium monitoring
- how to and when to
- what else needs monitoring
- inadequate monitoring is common - an exam hot topic - when checking lithium levels: sample 12 hours post-dose - after starting lithium: levels weekly + after each dose change until concentrations are stable - once established, lithium should 'normally' be checked every 3 months - after a change in dose: level should be taken a week later and weekly until the levels are stable. - TFTs and renal function: every 6 months
lithium therapeutic range
which ssri to use when
Pref SSRIs: fluoxetine, citalopram
- Children/teens: fluoxetine (caution w SSRIs generally)
- Post-MI: sertraline
Caution w citalopram RE QT interval
SE: GI syms most common. Increased risk of GI bleed.
low Na
After starting can be more anxious/agitated
Citalopram/escitalopram: dose-dep QT interval prolongation. (max dose 40mg in adults, 20 in >65y old or hepatic impairment)
interactions of SSRIs
- Fluoxetine/paroxetine have higher propensity for drug interactions
- NSAIDs/aspirin: ‘do not normally offer SSRIs’, but if given co-prescribe a PPI
- warfarin/heparin: avoid SSRIs and consider mirtazapine
- Triptans/MAOIs increased risk of serotonin syndrome
if on triptans avoid SSRI
if good response how long to conitnue on SSRI
If good response: continue on tx for at least 6 months after remission as this reduces the risk of relapse.
discontinuation symptoms
how to prevent
what ssri causes these syms most
When stopping: reduce dose gradually over 4 weeks
- (don’t need to w fluoxetine). - Paroxetine has a higher incidence of discontinuation symptoms.
Discontinuation symptoms • increased mood change • restlessness • difficulty sleeping • unsteadiness • sweating • GI syms: pain, cramping, diarrhoea, vomiting Paraesthesia
ssris in pregnancy - safe?
SSRIs and pregnancy
• Use in first trimester: small increased risk of congenital heart defects
• Use in third trimester can > persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
• Paroxetine: increased risk of congenital malformations, esp in first trimester
delusion that a famous is in love with them, with the absence of other psychotic symptoms
de clerambault’s syndrome
believe a relative/friend has been replaced by an identical imposter
capras syndrome
pt believes different people are the same person in disguise
fregoli delusion
delusion of sexual infidelity on part of a sexual partner
othello syndrome
mx of PTSD
• Mild syms <4wks: watchful waiting may be used
• More severe: trauma-focused CBT or eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy
• drug treatments should not be routine first-line treatment for adults.
○ venlafaxine or SSRI, such as sertraline should be tried
Severe: risperidone may be used