Psychiatry Flashcards
Antipsychotics: Indications?
o Schizophrenia
o Other psychotic disorders: Brief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform, delusional disorder, etc
o Mood disorder (w/ agitation and/or psychosis; e.g. depression or mania w/ psychosis)
Antipsychotics: MOA?
• Mechanism: Dopamine antagonists
o Cortical areas and effects:
1- Mesolimbic + Mesocortical: ↓psychosis
2- Nigrostriatal: Worsen/create movement disorders (Parkinsonism)
3- Tuberoinfundibular: ↑prolactin (by inhib dopamine)
Anti-psychotics: Main drug groups & examples?
o Typicals:
Haloperidol (prolonged QT interval)
o Atypicals:
Clozapine (old atyp; seizures + agranulocytosis)
• Best efficacy, but use 2 atypicals first
Olanzapine (wt gain)
Quetiapine (sedation)
Aripiprazole (akathisia)
Tardive Dyskinesia: Major SE of antipsychotics.
Give Features, cause & Rx?
o Tardive dyskinesia
Features: Choreoathetosis/involuntary movement
• Writhing fingers (progressing to whole of limb)
• Tongue protrusion
• Lip smacking
• Chewing + pouting of jaw
Cause: IRREVERSIBLE dopamine hypersensitivity caused by chronic blockage (i.e. this is an effect when NOT on the antipsychotic, or after long time on same dose) [upregulation of DA receptors], same pathophys as alcoholic seizures
Rx: No treatment
Neuroleptics malignant syndrome (NMS): features, Ix & RX?
• Antipsychotics use in last 1-4wk (often last 10d)
• Hyperthermia (>38)
• Muscular rigidity/cramps
• Autonomic problems (Tachycardia, Hypo/HTN, tremor, incont, sweating…)
• Delirium/fluctuating consciousness
Ix: Urinalysis (myoglobin), Bloods (CK can cause AKI) , Drug screen (?amphetamines), raised WCC
Rx: Life threatening (even though it is rare) • Discontinue antipsychotic • Dantrolene (muscle relaxant) -Bromocriptine -IV fluids
Other SE of antipsychotics?
Acute Dystonia→ involuntary painful muscle spasms.
Torticollis: Neck twists to 1 side.
Oculogyric crisis: eye twists up.
Parkinsonism→ Resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, shuffling gait.
Akathisia→ severe restlessness
Anticholinergic/antiadrenergic effects: dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, urinary retention, tachycardia.
↑ Prolactin Secretion from Pituitary: Galactorrhoea, amenorrhoea, sexual dysfunction and ↑ risk of osteoporosis.
How to manage: Dystonia, akathisia, bradykinesia, tardive dyskinesias & parkinsonism?
If prolactin levels are elevated, which antipsychotic is chosen?
Antidepressant medication types & examples?
• Types:
o SSRIs Fluoxetine, citalopram, sertraline
o SNRIs Venlafaxine
o TCAs Amitriptyline
o NaSSA (noradrenergic + specific serotonin antidepressant) Mirtazapine
Anxiety + suicide in first 2wk GI (most com) ↑ risk GI bleeding Anorgasmia/↓libido/erectile dysfunction Sedation Hyponatraemia – likely due to SIADH
ECT: Indications, procedure, post-procedure & SE’s?
• Indications:
o Major depressive episode and…:
In patients who have positively responded to ECT in the past
Patients with contraindications to antidepressant medication
Non-responsive to antidepressants or mood stabilizers (two agents, adeq dose/time)
High risk of immediate suicide, or death by other means (e.g. starvation, dehydration)
- Procedure: General anaesthetic, 2 sessions per week for 6-12 total sessions
- Post-procedure: Continue medical Rx (as relapse rates are high otherwise)
• S/Es:
o Immediate:
Anaesthetic complications
Status epilepticus
o Long term Memory loss
Sections -NB: Patient’s can be discharged from any section at any time by professionals
a. Assessment for 28d, CANNOT be renewed
b. Treatment CAN be given against patient’s will - SECTION 3:
a. Treatment for 6mo, CAN be renewed
b. Treatment IS given, even against patient’s will - SECTION 4:
a. Emergency order for 72hr, CANNOT be renewed but CAN be converted to Section 2
b. For GPs
c. Treatment CANNOT be given against patient’s will until psychiatrist reviews and converts to Section 2 - SECTION 5:
a. Compulsory detention for patients who show up to hospital and then try to leave
b. 5(2) By doctor, up to 72hr
c. 5(4) By nurse, up to 6hr
d. Treatment CANNOT be given against patient’s will - SECTION 135:
a. Police can ENTER + REMOVE patient from their premises and take to “safe place” for 72hr, but can ONLY be used if a warrant is obtained
b. Treatment CANNOT be given against patient’s will - SECTION 136:
a. Police take someone from PUBLIC SPACE (hence warrant not needed) to “safe place” for 72hr
b. Treatment CANNOT be given against patient’s will
Depression: Risks?
SAD PERSONS – much of this will come out in general medical history!
o Sex (male) – more likely for suicide
o Age (Elderly or young 20-30)
o Depression
o Previous suicide attempts/FH of suicide attempts
o Ethanol abuse
o Rational thinking lost
o Social support lacking
o Organised suicidal plan (e.g. avoid discover, notes, closing accounts)
o No spouse/kids/friends/job
o Sickness (chronic illness)
Features of depression?
: DEAD SWAMP (depression, energy, anhedonia, death [suicide], sleep, worthlessness, appetite, mentation, psychomotor agitation/pessimistic)
Major depressive disorder criterias:
Major criteria 2 of 3:
• Depressed mood
• Anhedonia (absence of pleasure)
• Low energy
Minor criteria: • ↓concentration/attention • ↓sleep • ↓appetite/↓weight • Psychomotor agitation (restless)/retardation (slow movement) • Hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilt • Pessimistic view of future
Depression: IX & MX?
o R/O organic cause FBC, B12 (anaemia) Calcium TFT (hypothyroid) SynACTHen test (Addison’s
PHQ-9 questionnaire
General examination
Bipolar disorder:
o Bipolar I Mania (psychosis or delusions present) + depression
o Bipolar II Hypomania (psychosis and delusions ABSENT) + depression (more common)