psychiatric symptoms Flashcards
ideomotor apraxia
cannot carry out a command
Ideational apraxia
difficulty completing a relatively complex motor task, for example, putting toothpaste on a toothbrush
Dressing apraxia
difficulties in putting on clothes
Constructional apraxia
difficulty copying images or arranging patterns.
denial of illness or impairment despite marked evidence to the contrary
inability to recognise a familiar face
sudden loss of muscle tone without loss of consciousness
Flynn effect
the process by which the intelligence scores of populations have risen since the 1930s
unusual use of words
knight’s move thinking
goal directed stream of thoughts is interfered with by a stream of preoccupation that is based mainly on fantasy
Kurt Schneider’s formal thought disorder
Substitution Omission Fusion Drivelling Derailment
Haptic hallucination
pert. to touching the skin or to sensations of temperature or pain
Couvade syndrome
a husband also complains of obstetric symptoms during his wife’s pregnancy and parturition
the occurrence of false pregnancy