Psychiatric effects of cancer Flashcards
Which mental health condition is associated with smoking and lung cancer?
Who are susceptible to steroid psychosis?
Bipolar patients
Bloods for depression and anxiety?
FBC LFT TFT U+E Creatinine Calcium Vitamin B12
Contraindication of epiltopgenic antidepressant medications?
Brain tumour
Avoid SSRIs if…
If there is a current physical symptom burden e.g. nausea, diarrhoea, insomnia
Contraindication of antidepressant venlafaxine?
Fluoxetine should be avoided as an anti-depressant therapy for cancer for what reason?
Drug-drug interactions
Citalopram and sertraline are better options
Risks of anti-depressants in cancer care?
GI bleeding with SSRIs (esp. with NSAIDs)
Serotonin syndrome (esp. with tramadol)
Which cancer has an 80% depression rate with psychotic features?
Inflammatory explanation for depression in pancreatic cancer?
High IL-6 causes resistance to glucocorticoid receptor
This causes hypercortisolaemia
Induction of IDO leads to serotonin depletion and high levels of Kynurenine and its metabolites
Depressive symptoms proportional to IL-6 level
Frontal lobe tumour:
Organic psychiatry
Apathy Coarsened social skills Expressive dysphasia Disinhibition Perseveration Change in personality
Temporal lobe tumour:
Organic psychiatry
Memory loss
Deja vu
Auditory hallucinations
Complex partial seizures
Pituitary tumour:
Organic psychiatry
Various endocrine effects on mental health
Brain metastases are particularly likely with which cancers?
Small-cell lung
Advanced melanoma
Endocrine paraneoplastic syndrome in small-cell lung cancer?
Ectopic ADH secretion
Lassitude, nausea, low mood
Delirium and fits