psych & the media Flashcards
What is film?
- Traditionally shot on a 35mm film and then projected from a 35mm print
- 35mm films comes on reels = changed every 10-12 mins
- Event movies to differentiate cinema from TV
- Cinema = histroically at war w TV
Motion Pictures
- Depends on persistence of vision for 24 fps to look like movement
- In major film everything you see / hear = intended
- scripts go through many drafts
- storyboards to compose camera shots
- Artistic director to create place / atmosphere
Telivision / streaming
- 350 characters in TV drama per week (gerbner, 1997)
HUMANS = never been exposed to such variety before- can offer diversity i.e. foster +ve attitudes
- underrepresentation e.g. older adults, women adn
ethnicity - we also depend on media rep for knowledge
Media Exposure - children estimated to watch how many
Children estimated to watch 40 hours tv per week
By the age of 65 the average american wouldve wacthed how many years of tv according to BUshman et al 2020
Violence and the media - the hypodermic needle model
media = injectde into us —> passive absorption —> media will affect all ppl the same way
- Some case studies but lack of emperical evidence and psych theory
Remains a common lay theory - has popular appeal as common sense approach
Bandura’s 1961, 1963 bobo doll study
Observational learning - actor beh aggressively - does child immitate the beh? - imitation = supports slt
Moral Panic - CopyCat crimes
1980s panic ab video nasties (VHS video players had become affordable household items)
- Mary Whitehouse / National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Association
What are some e.g of exploitation horror films released on VHS
Cannibal Holovaust
The Driller Killer
VHS = regarded as ?
invading the home
What di BBFC apply?
Stricter standards to what could be released on videp
A clockwork orange - based on?
Short book by Anthony Burgess = made into big budget film by Stanley kurbick
= withdrawn by Kuberick in the UK due to its graphic content and hatred towards him & was blamed for copycat crimes
Copycat crimes?
Columbine High School Shootings (12 students, 1 teacher and double suicide of Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold)
The double suicide was explained w emphesis on what?
Music - Mara lyin Manson
Games - violent
Film - also violent
Brewer, 2011 said what?
The news frequently features violence but why isn’t it blamed?
Experimental Evidence
a v mixed picture
1) Physical Violence
2) Non Physical Aggression
3) Non Aggressive scene
Ppts = able to administer loud noises to a researcher who behaved antagonistically
Coyne 2008
found evidence that women in cond 1 & 2 behaved more aggressisvely (simi results w children, adol and men)
Exp Evidence 2
Lab exp = high degree of control = far removed from real life violence
Longitdunial Evidence - Lefkowitz , 1977
Prefernce for violent media at 8 y/o predicts aggression at 19 y/o
Longtidunial Ev - Johnson, 2002
High numb of robberies and assaults amaong adults who reported watching more tv in adol
If a child = exposed to media violence and IF it promotes the learning of aggressive habits then …
it can have harmful conseq
Brewer 2011, said what else?
Exposure seems to mod predict aggression later in life but evdednce generally doesn’t support thr presumption that aggy children seek out violent media
Exp focusing on physical vio has a mod effect of?
Longitudinal research = weaked effect sixe of ? (Park and Camstock, 1994)
0.1 - meta analysis of r/s between 1957 - 1990
Male Gaze - Laura Mulvey (1975)
Implicit asssump that the view = male
She termed the ‘male gaze’
The media and masc - GILES, 2003 - 3 types
- Hegemonic
- Conservative
- Subordinated
Hegemonic Masc?
Masc intended to dominate women
Conservative Masc?
More sensitive and nurturing ‘ the new man ‘
Subordinated Masc?
ALT / outcast masc = -ve
- gay men
- trailer trash sterotype
Masc - Divergence
Feminisation of men in hollywood e.g comedies where men take female roles for comedic effecr - three men and a baby or mrs doubtfire
Gender - female
Chronic female underrep from the invention of TV = slowly imp (Giles)
Married w kids = mom role
Young = Sexy and Romantic
Trad Occup - waitressing, passive victims resc by heroic man
Masc - Objectified
Psychologists discov men found eroticised male images of male bodies as unrealistic but threatening
What potential impacts do rep have?
- Intimidated
- Limitation in gym (steriod)