Psych Soc Class 1 Flashcards
Definition: How are the parts of society work together to maintain stability
Social institutions function together to maintain stability.(Macro)
Creator: Emile Durkheim (anomie:Feeling of social disconnection from the larger society)
Conflict theory
Society is a competition for limited resources. (Macro)
Creator: Karl Marx (class conscious: Awareness of the economic class that you are in; false consciousness: Lack of awareness thinking as I)
Max Weber: more than 1 source of conflict (rationalization: Society tends to increase efficiency at the expense of traditional institutions)
Symbolic Interactionism
something that has a very specific Meaning based on societal definition; Everything is made up (micro)
Creator:George Herbert Meade (generalized other: your thought of What everybody else thinks of you) 3stages(preparatory stage, play stage, game stage)
Social Constructionism
Everything is made up and we learn by socialization
Rational choice
Individuals act based on a cost benefit analysis
Feminist Theory
Latent vs manifest functions
Latent: Un intended
Manifest: intended
Concept of “me”
Developed through interaction with others end consists of our interpretation of the “generalized other’s” view of us
Concept of “I”
One’s personal identity and individuality
The looking glass self
Development of feelings about ourselves based on what we think others think of us
The study of how social identities overlap - create completely
Glass escalator
How men are fast tracked to the top esp in women dominated fields
Glass ceiling
Invisible barrier to minorities/oppressed for advancement
Exchange theory
Individuals interact based on reward and punishment