psych revision session Flashcards
which anti
TCA overdose - what are the symptoms?
anticholinergic toxidrome - mad as a hatter - blind as a bad - hot as a hare - dry as a bone - urinary retention
how long do hypomania and mania last
hypomania =< 4/7
mania >=1/52
what can cause mania
cocaine / cushings / steroid use
what are the side effects of valproate?
vomiting alopecia liver toxicity pancreatitis / pancytopenia retention of fat o a teratogenic
side effects of lithium
l i tremor (fine in normal SE - hydration need i u mums beware - ebstein's anomaly
what are the four cardinal symptoms of schizophrenia
thought alienation (withdrawal / insertion / broadcast) passivity (agents controlling actions / thoughts impuses) delusional perceptions
are positive or negative symptoms of schizophrenia easier to treat?
are positive or negative symptoms of schizophrenia easier to treat?
what are the 4 dopamine pathways
a/ - mesocortical - negative symptoms (be sensible, use out
b - mesolimbic - positive (emotions, big things…)
c - nigrostriatal - parkinsonism
d - tuboinfundibular - hyperprolactinaemia
schizoaffective disorder
need psychotic symptoms for at least 2 weeks prior to mood disorder
what are the side effects of antipsychotics
hours - acute dystonic reaction - oculogyric crisis / torticolis
Days - parkinsonism
Medium - Akasthesia
Late - tardive dyskinesia
what are the side effects of antipsychotics
hours - acute dystonic reaction - oculogyric crisis / torticolis
Days - parkinsonism
Medium - Akasthesia (can give B-blockers)
Late - tardive dyskinesia
Procyclidine - treats all apart from tardive dyskinesia
risk factors for postpartum psychosis?
peak onset 2/52 PP
Mx of Postpartum psychosis
antipsychotics - 2nd gen eg. quetiapine