psych paper 1 Flashcards
what were the three variables that Asch invegstigated into research into confromity?
groups size, anonmity and task difficulty
How did he chnage his procdeure size affected conformity levels?
asch wanted to know if increasing group isze would affect confromtiy, so he increased the number of confederates
from 1 to 15 ,
How did groups size affect conformity levels? and what does this suggest?
he found a curvilinear relationship between conformity and group size but levelled off up to 3 confederates confromity to wrong answer rose by 32%
suggesting that most people are sensitve to the views of others and even just one or two confederates can influence a opinion
what was unanimty in aschs research? and how did he do this?
It was that if a presecen of a non conforiming person can affect a participants conformity
he added a person who would disagree with the other confedrates
What did ash find about confromity?
he found that conformity was less often in partpinat in the presence of a dissenter and they appeared to free the naive person indepenedantly, and occured even when the dissenter disagreed with the participiant
What does this suggest?
he suggested that influence of a majoirty largely depends on it being unanimious
How did task difficulty affect conformity?
ash did this by making the lines similar length height to one another, so it was harder for genuine participants to spot out the correct matching line.
What were the findings and what does this suggest?
the fundings found that conformity levels had increased, because the partipinats didnt know a clear answer so they look toward other dfor the correct one and guidance and assume they are right ( INFROMATIONAL SOCIAL INCFLUENCE)
What are 3 types of conformity?
identification, internalisation and compliance
Describe the role and its level of internalisation in conformity?
occrus when a person genuinley accpts groups norms, their private and public beliefs change as a result and is usually permanent because their attitudes have been internalised.
change in behavior will also continue even in absence of the group
Describe the role of identification in conformity?
when we want to identfy with a person or group to be apart of it. our beliefs and attiudes in public change, but remain the same on the inside (private beliefs dont change)
Describe the role of compliance in confrmity?
shallowest level of conformity as we just go laong with other in public , but do not change our private opinions or behaviour. as soon as group or person is gone, they dont continue ot confrom to those behvaiours anymore
What are two explanations for conformity?
ISI and NSI infromationla social infelencce and moratuive soail infleunce
describe infromational social influnce as an explanation for conformity?s
an explantion for conforming because we want to go along ith the majority of the group because they are correct. this lead to internalistation because you can accept that they maybe coorect o your public and private attitudes/behaviour changes.
its is also seen as a cognitive process.
Likely to happen in a situattion hwere the correct answer isnt so clear
Describe NSI as an explanation for conformity?
Cobfroming to agroup or persons behvaiour because we want ot be seen as normal and want to fit in to gain social approval
so we chnage our behaviour to fit into norms, so this is more emotional process
this can lead to compliance because it can only lead to temporary chnage in behaviour to comply with norms of society or group