Psych of Addic 2nd Exam Flashcards
Who are the founders of AA?
Bill W. and Dr. Bob
What is AA?
Alcoholics Anonymous are sessions run by and for alcoholics where they share their stories.
What is the Big Book?
It’s a non secular text published by Bill W. and Dr. Bob.
Serves as basic text of AA.
Goal of this book is to make it possible for the reader to find a power greater than himself to solve his problem.
What is “The First Step”?
It’s the first of the 12.
“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become
What is a sponsor?
In A.A. sponsor and sponsored meet as equals, just as Bill and Dr. Bob did. Essentially, the process of sponsorship is this: An alcoholic who has made some progress in the recovery program shares that experience on a continuous, individual basis with another alcoholic who is attempting to attain or maintain sobriety through A.A.
Usually same sex.
What is the Helper Therapy Principle?
Helping someone with the same problem as yourself helps you with your own.
What are open and closed meetings?
AA meetings are “quasi-ritualized therapeutic sessions run by and for, alcoholics.”
Those listed as “closed” are only for those with “a desire to stop drinking.”
“Open” meetings are available to anyone.
What is “Hitting Botoom”?
Bottom is different for each person.
True Hitting Bottom: a point where you have lost everything and have nothing left to lose
What is the term “90 meetings in 90 days” mean?
A recommendation that a new comer should attend at least 90 meetings in 90 days in order to be adequately acquainted with AA.
What is meant by the AA slogan “One day at a Time”?
The members take one day at time or focus on “today” and not yesterday or tomorrow.
Worrying about yesterday’s mistakes, and the fear of discovery which comes with doing the wrong thing (acting out in our character defects) comes with a huge emotional load.”
What is the Serenity Prayer?
Prayer adopted by AA and other 12 step program.
“God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.”
What is Synanon?
This was the first therapeutic community for drug addiction.
•Created by Charles “Chuck” Dederich, Sr.
•A serious AA member – he got in trouble for cross-talk at a meeting
•He began working with “hard core” heroin addicts
•Recovery was a complete healing process
•Had to attack the addict/criminal values from the outside in
What is the TC perspective?
Drug abuse is a disorder of the whole person.
The community is __________ and use ____ _______ as example.
healer/ teacher
role models
What is a role model?
those who demonstrate the expected behaviors and reflect the values and teaching of the community.
In a TC (therapeutic community) peer and staff are the role models.
What is Right Living?
A clear moral message.
In TC’s, clear “moral” positions are held regarding social and sexual conduct.
- Explicit right and wrong behaviors are identified
- These are rewarded or met with sanctions
- The working-through of guilt is seen as important
- Truth and honesty (in word and deed)
What is “Act as if”?
Behaving as the person that you should be, not the person you have been.