psych lecture content Flashcards
25% of exam
What is the displacement defense mechanism?
when ID cannot achieve a primary goal, the ego provides a secondary goal as an outlet.
ex: displaced aggression - being angry at your boss but knowing you cannot punch your boss, so going home and punching your child
What is the sublimation section of displacement as a defense mechanism?
This is the same as displacement, however, the secondary behaviors are redirected in line with the superego, channeling urges into something that brings reward
ex. wanting to punch someone but knowing that is bad, so making a beautiful painting of someone getting punched and getting credit for being a wonderful artist (reward)
What is the reaction formation defense mechanism
This defense mechanism is a way of finding a way around the urge completely. The repressed wish is warded off by engaging in completely opposite behavior.
for example; you are jealous of your sister and hate her for it, but in the past, you have been punished for your jealous behavior. in turn, you shower your sister with abundant love and do not get in trouble for this behavior!
What is the rationalization defense mechanism?
When one reinterprets an urge in terms that are acceptable.
for example, “I feel guilty that this harsh punishment may be negatively affecting my child…. well ITS FOR HIS OWN GOOD!”
What is the projection defense mechanism?
Taking one’s personal urges and seeing them in other people. This allows one to rationalize retaliation
“I HATE YOU” becomes “YOU HATE ME!”
What is the isolation defense mechanism?
memories are allowed back into consciousness but without motives or emotion. common in extreme cases of trauma like war or torture
What is the regression defense mechanism?
The process of one mentally returning to an earlier safer state
ex ; thumb sucking (regression to oral stage)
What is the conversion defense mechanism?
Conflict converted into physical symptom
What is the difference between latent content and manifest content?
Latent content is real life urges and desires where manifest content is what we dream about.
What is the concept of free association?
The analyst tells the patient to say the first thing that comes to mind in association with a word, statement, picture, art piece etc.
The analyst looks for errors in patient speech, memory and motivations