Psych Labs Flashcards
Which elements of a CMP should be considered during valproate therapy?
Normal range 0 to 40 u/L
Elevated GGT is found in…
Cholestasis and high alcohol use. Normal range 0 to 30
Alkaline phosphatase ALP is elevated in
Gallbladder disease, liver disease, bone injury or rapid bone growth
Normal range 30 to 120 IU/L
AST and ALT are normal, but ALP is elevated. Adding what lab can help rule out liver as source of elevated ALP?
Elevated ALP normal in
Teenagers with rapid bone growth, pregnant women
Which deadly syndrome has an elevated creatine kinase CK?
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome secondary to antipsychotic medication
CK-MB is specifically elevated in
Cardiac patients (myositis, myocardial infarction)
Creatine kinase measures …
What is the normal range of CK?
Muscle injury. Found in heart, brain, skeletal muscle
< 0 to 139 u/L
Which two elements of the BMP should be focused on during lithium treatment?
BUN and Creatinine:
- Assess kidney fnx
- ⬆️ in impaired kidney fnx
BUN: 8-18 mg/dL
Also elevated in significant dehydration
CR: 0.64-1.2
Varies by age, gender, and ethnicity
More sensitive and specific indicator of kidney disease than BUN
What is the best measurement of kidney function?
Glomerular filtration rate GFR
e.g. elderly patient with normal creatinine but 30% reduced GFR due to reduced muscle mass
Normal: > 90 mL/min
Most psych meds, generally no dose adjustment or contraindications as long as GFR > 60 mL/min
What happens to lithium levels during:
- Dehydration
- Sodium intake
- Sodium intake
- Dehydration ⬇️💧—> ⬇️Li excretion—> ⬆️ Li level
- ⬆️ Na+ intake —> ⬆️ 💧 —> ⬆️ Li
excretion —> ⬇️ Li level - ⬇️ Na+ intake —> ⬇️ 💧—> ⬇️ Li excretion —> ⬆️ Li level
Lithium level for acute treatment versus maintenance
Lithium toxicity range
Symptoms of lithium toxicity
Acute management 0.8-1.2 mmol/L
Maintenance 0.6-1.0
Lithium toxicity may begin at 1.5 though typically occurs > 2
Symptoms include lethargy, fatigue, clumsiness, weakness, muscle cramping, nausea, vomiting, severe tremor, blurred vision, confusion