psych final Flashcards
Researchers believe that odor perception does what with age
wanes and becomes distorted
What is true of possible selves?
may be defined and redefined with the individual as needed
Researchers ask 85-year-old Gerald to respond to the question, who am I Gerald is likely to express:
more positive than negative self-evaluations
Lower SES older adults are ______________ likely than higher SES older adults to seek medical care because ________________
less, they are less optimistic that treatment will work
In instances of sudden unexpected deaths _____________ may be especially pronounced
As the years pass, what happens to the heart muscle?
It becomes more rigid
In both eastern and western cultures, __________ appear more anxious about death than __________.
women than men
Lester is fast approaching age 50. He can anticipate an accumulation of fat in which part of his body?
back and upper abdomen
According to Erikson, _______ occurs when aging adults feel they have made wrong decisions and do not have much time left.
What type of intelligence begins to decline in the twenties?
Fluid intelligence (basic processing skills)
Reggie is a 74-year-old us hospice patient. He will mostly die in:
his own home or a homelike setting
Never married childless men are more likely than women to:
feel lonely and depressed
In adulthood androgyny is associated with:
cognitive flexibility, creativity, advanced moral reasoning, and psychosocial
In middle and late adulthood, ___________ working memory suffers much less than __________ working memory.
verbal less than spatial
What happens to the cells in both the epidermis and the dermis as we age?
they decline in water content
What kinds of friendships are key in never married older women’s lives?
Same-sex friendships
What is true of adults in their twenties and possible selves?
They mention many possible selves
Guy is reserved, passive, sober, and emotionally unreactive – he is low in which big 5 personality trait
Neuroticism ___________from adolescence through middle age
When researchers estimate average healthy life expectancy, _______ranks first
When different aspects of jobs are considered contentment with ______ shows a strong age-related gain.
The job itself
Negative turning points described by MIDUS participants
generally led to personal growth
What is true about retirement today?
It is generally not a single event rather a dynamic process with multiple transitions
Among the strongest risk factors to late life depression is
chronic disease
Bianca age 52 has porous bones and a very low-density level. Bianca is at risk for:
Women who _____________ tend to reach menopause earlier
not given birth
How do men and women compare in their physical health after the age of 85
men are less likely to be impaired because only the sturdiest survive.
Which statement is true about suicide in late adulthood?
Failed suicides are much rarer
After 5-year-old Jimenez grandmother died she had a hard time sleeping because she was afraid that her stuffed bunny would die, she is having a hard time with
When grace reached her 70s she began having sleep problems, she worried about sleep problems during the day, what could she do that might help?
use the bedroom only for sleep
Which grandparent, adult grandchild bond tends to be closest?
maternal grandmother to granddaughter
Neil and grace cannot wait to spoil their granddaughter- which gratification of grandparenthood do they value?
What is true about closeness of relationship between grandparents and grandchildren?
Relationships with daughters or sons-in-law strongly affect grandchildren ties.
A blood vessel in Mrs. Rosenthal brain burst causing a late life physical disability
Which statement is true about illness and disability in middle adulthood?
men are more vulnerable to midlife health problems.
Age differences in _________ memory are much smaller than in ___________ memory
changes in implicit memory are smaller than explicit memory
A form of dementia that involves deterioration in subcortical brain regions?
What is true about Alzheimer’s disease?
recent memory is lost first and then the ability to recall past events evaporates.
What type of help do most caregivers of older adults with dementia usually want most?
respite care
According to Vaillant, _____________________ is the major preoccupation of midlife
passing the torch
In which of Kubler-Ross’ typical responses to dying would the person ask family members, God for extra time?
Veronica spent 3 years fighting cancer before dying, as a result of her prolonged death her husband Nelson was prepared because he had done
anticipatory grieving
Cancer death rates increase sharply as _______ decreases
August stops by her mother April’s house every week, if April has no trouble doing the tasks like making coffee, then August withdraws:
Andrew is extremely ,ambitious, and hostile
Type A behavior (angry)
Krissy regards most experiences as controllable, she views change as a chance for personal growth. She is:
What is among the strongest risk factors of depression in middle aged?
chronic disease
Jennifer age 45 is a girl scout leader she really enjoys giving to and guiding the next generation.
Individuals who are high in agreeableness have what traits?
soft hearted, trusting, generous, and good natured
When Mr. Bergman s wife died his family members dressed in black, covered all the mirrors in his house, this is called what?
Define Bereavement
The experience of losing a loved one by death
Dr. Rosenberg believes that social barriers to engagement, not the desires of older adults cause declining rates of engagement - What theory does he practice?
As Salvatore grows older he grows closer to his siblings and closer to his spouse- at 85 his contact with acquaintances is diminished, and he is not interested in forming social ties
Socioemotional selectivity theory
In involuntary euthanasia a doctor does what?
A doctor will end the patients life without the patients consent.
Which statement is true about advanced medical directives?
The durable power of attorney can ensure a partners role in decision making and meeting needs.
Older adults who score high in openness, engage in what type of reminiscence drawing on their past for effective problem solving strategies
Knowledge based reminiscence
Define expertise
an extensive, highly organized, and integrated knowledge base that can be used to support a high level of performance
What is presbycusis?
Old hearing- as we age inner-ear structures deteriorate through natural cell death or reduced blood supply caused by atherosclerosis.
What happens to a women’s fertility in middle adulthood?
The midlife transition in which fertility declines is called the climacteric. In women, it brings an end to reproductive capacity. Happens over the course of 10 years, estrogen drops, cycle shortens to 23 days, ova not released, reproductive organs shrink.
What are some of the positive effects of HRT?
Hormone therapy is highly successful at counteracting hot flashes and vaginal dryness. It also offers some protection against bone deterioration.
What is angina pectoris?
indigestion-like pain or crushing chest pain that reveals an oxygen-deprived heart.
Launching children and moving on
a liberating time, offering a sense of completion and opportunities to strengthen social ties and rekindle interests.
Define possible selves
future-oriented representations of what one hopes to become and what one is afraid of becoming.
What are the Big Five Personality Traits
Neuroticism, extroversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, conscientiousness.
An individual who is imaginative, creative, original, and curious has what personality trait?
openness to experience
Describe a person that has a conscientious personality?
hard-working, well-organized, punctual, ambitious, and persevering.
What is Levinson’s Destruction-creation season?
With greater awareness of mortality, the middle-aged person focuses on ways he or she has acted destructively. Past hurtful acts toward parents, intimate partners, children, friends, and co-workers are countered by an intensified desire to be generative, through charitable giving, community volunteering, mentoring young people, or fashioning creative products.
Benefits to older participants in continuing education
understanding new ideas in many disciplines, learning new skills that enrich their lives, making new friends, and developing a broader perspective on the world. Furthermore, participants come to see themselves differently. Many abandon their own ingrained negative stereotypes of aging when they realize that adults in late life—including themselves—can still engage in complex learning.
What type of personality is twice as likely to develop heart disease? They are also at much higher risk of high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and stroke.
Type A (especially expressed hostility)
What is emphysema?
extreme loss of elasticity in lung tissue, which results in serious breathing difficulty. Although a few cases of emphysema are inherited, most result from long-term cigarette smoking.
Define terminal decline
acceleration in deterioration of cognitive functioning prior to death. Lasts from 1-14 years. A sharp drop in psychological well-being, including diminished sense of personal control and social participation and increased negative affect, predicted mortality. The downturn is especially steep in people age 85 and older and is only weakly related to mental deterioration or chronic illnesses. depression.
The cause of Alzheimer’s
plaques and tangles disrupt how the brain functions
What is wisdom?
A capacity made up of combining breadth and depth of practical knowledge; ability to reflect on and apply that knowledge in ways that make life more bearable and worthwhile; emotional maturity.
What factors have increased life expectancy in the past few years?
medical care, nutrition, living conditions
What are the leading causes of death in middle age?
Cancer and cardiovascular disease
Define vascular dementia?
a series of strokes leaves areas of dead brain cells. 15% of dementia cases in western nations. genetic and environmental. more men than women. high in Japan.
What is the difference between familial Alzheimer’s and sporadic?
Familial is inherited - 1% gene APOE 4, happens earlier. Chromosomes 1, 14, 21
Define reminiscence
telling stories about people and events from their past and reporting associated thoughts and feelings.
Define physical neglect in older adulthood
Intentional or unintentional failure to fulfill caregiving obligations, resulting in lack of food, medication, or health services or in the older person being left alone or isolated
Define body transcendence
Surmounting physical limitations by emphasizing the compensating rewards of cognitive, emotional, and social powers
What is ego differentiation?
For those who invested heavily in their careers, finding other ways to affirm self-worth—through family, friendship, and community life
What is ego transcendence?
As contemporaries die, facing the reality of death constructively through efforts to make life more secure, meaningful, and gratifying for younger generations
Define Sandwich generation
middle-aged adults must care for multiple generations above and below them at the same time.
What is a living will?
people specify the treatments they do or do not want in case of a terminal illness, coma, or other near-death situation
What does an independent living community look like?
provide a variety of hotel-like support services, including meals in a common dining room, housekeeping, laundry services, transportation assistance, and recreational activities.
Define functional age
Actual competence and performance of an older adult, as distinguished from chronological age.
Define brain death
irreversible cessation of all activity in the brain and the brain stem (which controls reflexes)
The agonal phase of death
rattled breathing sound, due to fluid buildup in the throat, and to gasps and muscle spasms during the first moments in which the regular heartbeat disintegrates
What does finality mean as a sub-concept of death?
An understanding that once a living thing dies, it cannot be brought back to life.
What are the most difficult sub-concepts about death for young children to process?
Applicability- that death applies only to living things and
Causation- death is caused by a breakdown of bodily functioning, which can be brought about by a wide variety of internal and external causes.
Where would most people prefer to die?
at home
What is death anxiety?
fear and apprehension of death. can be mitigated by a deep spiritual practice, and become worse when Christian older adults believe but rarely practice religion. A participatory perspective, in which death and dying are viewed as natural and life-promoting, as fulfillment of life goals, and as a time to share one’s experiences with others- helps.
Bereavement Overload
When a person experiences several deaths at once or in close succession, bereavement overload can occur. Can also be caused by public tragedies.
The independence-ignore script
A predictable pattern of interaction in which older adults’ independent behaviors are mostly ignored and, as a result, occur less often.
Kubler-Ross stages of grief
(1) denial
(2) anger
(3) bargaining
(4) depression
(5) acceptance
Define burnout? What is the cause? What are the symptoms? Who is most at risk? How can it be prevented?
a condition in which long-term job stress leads to mental exhaustion, a sense of loss of personal control, and feelings of reduced accomplishment.
Burnout is associated with excessive work assignments for available time and lack of encouragement and feedback from supervisors.
Linked to impaired attention and memory, severe depression, on-the-job injuries, physical illnesses, poor job performance, absenteeism, and turnover.
Burnout occurs more often in the helping professions.
employers can make sure workloads are reasonable, provide opportunities for workers to take time out from stressful situations, limit hours of stressful work, and offer social support. Interventions that augment employee control over schedule and supervisor support for family and personal life
What are the 3 phases of death?
Agonal, Clinical, Mortality
What phase of death is permanent?
Define clinical death
A short interval in which heartbeat, circulation, breathing, and brain functioning stop, but resuscitation is still possible.
What is the difference between physical abuse and physical neglect?
Physical abuse involves intentional infliction of pain, discomfort, or injury, through hitting, cutting, burning, physical force, restraint, or other physically aggressive acts
Abuse that includes Verbal assaults (such as name calling), humiliation (being treated as a child), and intimidation (threats of isolation or placement in a nursing home) is called what?
emotional abuse
What is assisted living?
homelike housing arrangements for older adults who require more help than can be provided at home but less than is usually provided in nursing homes.
How are nursing homes different from assisted living?
3 percent of Americans age 65 and older live in nursing homes, nearly half of whom are 85 and older (Bern-Klug & Manthai, 2016). They experience the most extreme restriction of autonomy and social integration. Although potential companions are abundant, interaction is low.
How is The Green House different from traditional nursing homes?
THE GREEN HOUSE® model blurs distinctions among nursing home, assisted living, and “independent” living. In this homelike setting, residents determine their own daily schedules and help with household tasks.
How does religious involvement help older adults? Who is most likely to engage in religious involvement?
Religious involvement is associated with diverse benefits, including better physical and psychological well-being, more time devoted to exercising and leisure activities, increased sense of closeness to family and friends, greater generativity (care for others), and deeper sense of meaning (or purpose) in life -both organized and informal religious participation predicted longer survival.
especially high among low-SES ethnic minority older people, including African-American, Hispanic, and Native-American groups.
women are more likely than men to say that religion is very important to them, to participate in religious activities, and to engage in a personal quest for connectedness with a higher power
older people generally become more religious or spiritual as they age
What is disengagement theory?
older people decrease their activity levels and interact less frequently, becoming more preoccupied with their inner lives in anticipation of death
Risk factors for elder abuse
Dependency of victims or perpetrators, psychological disturbance of perpetrators, history of family violence, institutionalization.
Intense physical and psychological distress following the loss of a loved one.
Dual process model of coping with loss
oscillate between dealing with the emotional consequences of loss and attending to life changes, which have restorative, or healing, effects.
After 5-year-old Jimena’s grandmother died, she had difficulty sleeping because she was afraid that her stuffed rabbit would die during the night. Jimena is having trouble understanding the death subconcept of .
In the aftermath of horrific tragedies—such as mass school shootings—the most powerful way to help children recover from trauma is .
nurturing and caring relationships with adults
Health-care proxies .
are an important means of covering children and adolescents
Three-year-old Tristan finds a dead fish on the beach. Although he says that the fish is dead, he asks, “When is the fish going to get up and swim?” Tristan is having trouble understanding the death subconcept of .
Medical aid-in-dying is legal in .
California, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington
In both Eastern and Western cultures, appear more anxious about death than do.
women, men
Which of the following is true about how we die?
The greatest dignity in death is in the integrity of the life that precedes it.
Most terminally ill people who reach Kübler-Ross’s acceptance stage
disengage from all but a few family members
During which stage of death does the individual pass into permanent death?
Dying patients who are more anxious about impending death.
feel they have much unfinished business to attend to
Which factor is among Oregon patients’ most frequently expressed reasons for requesting medical aid-in-dying?
loss of autonomy
In the United States, home deaths .
have increased over the past 2 decades
In most industrialized nations, donated organs can be removed .
when all brain activity ceases
When surviving members of low-SES ethnic minority groups live longer than members of the white majority
Life expectancy crossover
Activities of daily living ADL
Basic self-care tasks required to live on one’s own, such as bathing, dressing, getting in and out of bed or a chair, or eating
Tasks necessary to conduct the business of daily life and that require some cognitive competence, such as telephoning, shopping, food preparation, housekeeping, and paying bills
Instrumental activities of daily living IADLs
Cloudy areas in the lens, resulting in foggy vision and (without surgery) eventual blindness
Macular degeneration
When light-sensitive cells in the macula break down, central vision blurs and gradually is lost
The final psychological conflict of Erikson’s theory, which involves coming to terms with one’s life
Ego integrity versus despair
Focusing on psychological strengths
Body transcendence
Ego transcendence
Orienting toward a larger, more distant future
Positivity Effect
Selectively attend to and better recall emotionally positive over negative information.
Life review
Calling up past experiences with the goal of achieving greater self-understanding
Reminiscence that is used to reduce boredom and revive bitter events
Self-focused reminiscence
Other-focused reminiscence
Reminiscence that is directed at social goals, such as solidifying family and friendship ties and reliving relationships
Wanting to be younger than one’s actual age is associated with .
less positive well-being
Assisted living
can enhance residents’ autonomy and life satisfaction
Males from which country have the highest risk of vascular dementia?
A form of dementia that involves deterioration in subcortical brain regions is .
David, a European-American male born in 1950, is likely to live 2 to 3 years born the same year.
longer than Issac an African American male
Daily vitamin–mineral supplements .
do not reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease or cancer
More prevalent among women than men, is the leading cause of dementia.
Alzheimer’s disease
The risk of fracture increases fifteenfold from age 65 to 85.
Familial Alzheimer’s .
is responsible for 1 percent or fewer cases
Which statement is true about memory in late adulthood?
When older adults are directed to use elaboration, the young–old difference in memory is greatly reduced
A common technique used by many older adults to compensate for their difficulties in producing language is to .
use more sentences to convey their message
An accelerating falloff in cognitive performance or in emotional investment in life is .
a sign of loss of vitality and impending death
Walt, age 75, says that he feels about 60 years old. Sixty is Walt’s age.
affect(s) 25 percent of people in their seventies and 50 percent of those in their eighties.
The answer should be cataracts.
Wisdom .
requires the pinnacle of insight into the human condition
Mr. Dugan belongs to an older adult lunch club. The other members of the club, while not intimates, are Mr. Dugan’s friends.
Which statement is true about sex differences in religious involvement and spirituality in late adulthood?
Women are more likely than men to engage in religious activities.
David’s wife, Esther, recently died. If David is like most recently widowed older adults, his greatest problem is most likely .
profound loneliness
Irrespective of financial need, the age of retirement is rising in the United States and Western nations because __________.
most baby boomers say they want to work longer
Older adults who are high in tend to cope poorly with stressful events and are at risk for health problems.
Harriet can handle dressing, shopping, and food preparation by herself. However, Harriet allows her daughter Ada to assist with these activities, leaving Harriet more stamina for gardening. Harriet is managing her aging by .
freeing up energy for endeavors that are personally satisfying
Compared with younger people, older adults report fewer friends.
Striving for continuity is essential for attaining Erikson’s sense of , which depends on preserving a sense of personal history.
Ego integrity
Compared with younger adults, older adults who divorce .
seldom express regret over leaving an unhappy marriage
According to Robert Peck, involves affirming self-worth through family, friendships, or community life for those who invested heavily in their careers.
ego differentiation
Which adult child is likely to feel an especially strong obligation to care for an aging parent?
Anna, who is of Polish descent
Grandchildren __________ in the last decade or two of life.
become increasingly important sources of emotional meaning
With age, ships in the social convoy .
exchange places
increases the odds of living longer.
Availability of social support
Which statement is true about the aging skeleton?
Bones become more porous with age
In college, __________________ tend to take fewer credits and progress at a slower pace.
older women
High-hardy individuals are likely to __________________.
use active, problem-centered coping strategies in situations they can control
Which statement is true about nontraditional college students?
They especially value forming new relationships and sharing opinions.
Women age 65 and older taking HRT .
have an elevated risk of Alzheimer’s disease
In one study involving 2,500 mentally and physically healthy 16- to 85-year-olds, verbal IQ began to decline in the __________________.
Which statement is true about loss of bone strength in middle adulthood?
Loss of bone strength causes the disks of the spinal column to collapse
declines very gradually in the forties and fifties.
Muscle mass
Which individual is most likely to be at the peak of creative accomplishment?
Shaunte, age 42
Which statement about stress management in midlife is true?
Communities provide fewer social supports for middle-aged adults than for younger or older adults.
Which statement is true about becoming a student in midlife?
Life transitions often trigger a return to college in midlife.
True/False Glaucoma affects nearly 15 percent of people over age 40.
Does hearing decline earlier and faster for women or men
Are middle age weight gain and loss of muscle inevitable
What is sexual frequency a predictor of?
good health
True or False - Adults can be generative as parents and in other family relationships, as mentors in the workplace, in volunteer endeavors, and through many forms of productivity and creativity.
T/F Having children seems to foster women’s generative development more than men’s.
Does Middle age brings about greater rigidity in masculine and feminine parts of the self.
Do a majority of adults experience a midlife crisis
T/F Midlifers who experience a crisis typically have had early adulthoods in which gender roles, family pressures, or low income and poverty severely limited their ability to fulfill personal needs and goals, at home or in the wider world.
T/F The middle-aged person must forge a better balance between engagement with the external world and separateness.
T/F A growing number of researchers believe the mid-adult transition is not stagelike.
As Angelo approaches age 50, he feels increasingly disheartened about his poor relationship with his two sons. At work, he volunteers to mentor a young new hire about the age of his oldest boy. According to Levinson, Angelo is confronting which developmental task?
Kindra, a female senior manager, and Lou, a male senior manager, are both promoted to comparable positions. Which statement is more likely to be true?
Kindra probably has earned higher performance ratings than Lou.
Neuroticism from adolescence through middle age.
Which statement is true about possible selves?
They may be an especially strong motivator of action in midlife.
Jennifer, age 45, is a Girl Scout leader. She really enjoys giving to and guiding the next generation. According to Erikson, Jennifer has developed a sense of .
Which statement is true about friendships during midlife?
Many midlifers connect regularly with friends through social media.
Whether or not they reside with parents, young-adult children who can prompt parental strain.
are “off-time” in development
Which statement is true about people who flexibly modify their identities in response to age-related changes yet maintain a sense of self-continuity?
They are higher in self-esteem
Burnout .
occurs more often in the helping professions
Among a nationally representative sample of Americans, life regrets centered mainly on .
romantic and family relationships
Which employee is the most likely to be assigned to a high-risk, high-visibility leadership role?
Garrett, a European-American man
What are the differences in life expectancy?
women outlive men by an average of 5 years due to an extra x chromosome, reduced risk taking.
An increase in education and income also increases length of life.
SES also accounts for the 2- to 3-year advantage in life expectancy for European-American over African-American adults age 65 and older
What are the 3 c’s of hardiness?
control, commitment, and challenge
What variables contribute to cancer death rates?
low SES, men, African Americans, poor medical care, high stress, inadequate diet.
How do middle age adult compensate for intelligence decline?
adults can often compensate for cognitive limitations by drawing on their cognitive strengths.