Psych emergencies: Flashcards
List the main 4 psychiatric emergencies:
- Lithium toxicity
- Acute dystonic reaction
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- Serotonin syndrome
What is the management for lithium toxicity?
2) Stop Li, check level, admit
3) Rapid reduction of serum Li required - whole bowel irrigation, forced diuresis, haemodialysis
What is acute dystonic reaction?
Abnormal body movements caused by slow and sustained muscle contractions (EPSE).
What causes acute dystonic reaction?
Nigrostriatial D2 blockade = excess striatial cholinergic output
What is the treatment for acute dystonic reaction?
(may resolve by itself)
1) IM anticholinergic (procyclidine)
2) BZD
Give 4 features of neuroleptic malignant syndrome:
- Muscular rigidity
- Pallor
- Sweating
- Changing BP
What is the treatment for neuroleptic malignant syndrome?
1) BZD
2) Discontinue any causative agent
3) IV Dantrolene
Give 3 features of serotonin syndrome:
- Altered mental state
- Tremor
- Hyperreflexia
What is the management of serotonin syndrome?
2) Discontinue all serotonergic meds
3) If OD consider gastric lavage/activated charcoal