Neurosies: Flashcards
Outline the features of depression:
(DEAD SWAMP): D - Depressed mood E - Energy Loss A - Anhedonia D - Death thoughts (risk)
S - Sleep disturbances W - Worthlessness/guilt A - Appetite M - Mental concentration P - Psychomotor agitation/retardation
(DEA = core symptoms
What two questionnaires are used to assess depression?
- PHQ9
- HAD score
What else would you ask about in relation to depression?
- Big life event?
- Previous manic episode
- Alcohol/drug use
- Female - ?recent childbirth
- Psychotic symtoms
What screening questions might you ask which may then prompt you to perform a screening questionnaire?
1) During the past month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless?
2) During the past month, have you often been bothered by having little pleasure in doing things?
Outline the two types of risk:
Harm to others: - Children - Driving Harm to self: - Self harm - Neglect - Suicide ideation/intent/access to means/previous attempts/regrets ect..
(NOTE: risk of self harm/suicide has no correlation to severity of depression)
Outline the classification of severity of depression:q
Core symptoms = (DEA-)
Mild depression:
- 2 core, 2 other
- Mild functional impairment
Moderate depression:
- 2 core, 3 other
- Considerable difficulty continuing with social, work, domestic activities
Severe depression:
- 3 core, 4 other
- Unlikely to be able to continue with social, work or domestic activities
- Can occur with/without psychotic symptoms
List some risk factors for suicide:
- Male
- Older
- Socially isolated
- Mental illness
- Poor physical health
What is the management for mild/subclinical depression?
- Treat anxiety
- Sleep hygiene
- CBT, exercise
What is the treatment for persistent, moderate or severe depression?
1st line - SSRI
2nd line - Swap to another SSRI
3rd line - Different class (SNRI or TCA)
Include high intensity psychological therapy: CBT, IPT, behavioural couples therapy
If severe depression is present with severe psychomotor retardation or depressive delusions/hallucinations - what therapy may be considered?
What are the symptoms of mania?
3 Sx needed (DIG FAST):
D - distractibility
I - Indiscretion
G - Grandiosity
F - Flight of Ideas
A - Activity Increase
S - Sleep Deficit
T - Talkativeness/pressure of speech
What differentiates mania from hypomania?
Full mania extra features:
- Impairment of functioning
- Psychotic features
- May require hospitalisation
- Lasts at least a week
(hypo mania only present for 4 days)
What is the management of mania?
- (remove anti-depressants)
- Mood stabiliser
- Consider anti-psychotic
Give 4 examples of mood stabilisers:
- Lithium
- Lamotrogine
- Carbamazipine
- Sodium Valporate
How does lithium work?
Inhibits cAMP production
List the SE of lithium:
(LITHIUM): L - Leukocytosis I - Insipidus (diabetes) T - Tremor (fine)/Teratogenic H - Hypothyroid I - Increased weight (U): Nausea and vomiting M - Misc. Long QT interval
What is the therapeutic interval for lithium?
0.4 - 1.0 mmol/L
What should you monitor when someone is on lithium?
Thyroid function
List 5 features of lithium toxicity:
- Blurred vision
- D&V
- Ataxia
- Coarse tremor
- Weak muscles
Define Generalised anxiety disorder:
Excessive worry about a number of different events associated with heightened tension
List 3 risk factors for GAD:
- Female
- Genetic predisposition
- Links to child abuse and separation
Outline the management of GAD:
NICE recommends a step-wise approach:
1) Education + active monitoring
2) Low intensity psychological intervention (individual non-facilitated self-help or individual guided self-help or groups)
3) High intensity psychological interventions (CBT) or drug treatment SSRI
4) Specialist input
List 3 other neuroses apart from depression, BAD and GAD:
- Panic disorder
What is the treatment for panic disorder?
- Education and monitoring
What is the management for PTSD?
Mild: watch + wait
Mod: CBT + EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing)
Severe: paroxetine (SSRI) or mirtazipine (tetracyclic AD)