Psych Flashcards
Psych Hx Checklist
1) PC
2) HPC
Incl important symptoms:
- Mood
- Appetite
- Weight
- Sleep
- Energy
- Hallucinations
- Concentration/memory
3) Past psychiatric Hx - seen psychiatrist? been diagnosed with anything? had any medication or treatment?
4) Past medical Hx
5) Family Hx (psych or medical)
6) Personal Hx
- Problems during pregnancy, labour, birth?
- Illnesses as a child?
- School - enjoy it? problems making friends? ever expelled from school?
- Qualifications when left school? Jobs?
- Relationships
7) Social Hx
- Who living with? where living? Current job? benefits?
8) Smoking, ETOH, other recreational drugs
9) Forensic Hx
- Ever in trouble with police, ever convicted of anything?
10) Premorbid personality?
- When did this all start? When did you last feel normal/well? How would you describe yourself before this? How would others have described you
RISK ASSESSMENT (On another card)
Risk Assessment
1) Risk to self (deliberate)
- Negative feelings (hopeless, helpless, worthless)
- Ever felt life wasn’t worth living?
- Felt like not wanting to wake up in the morning?
- Ever self harmed before? Attempted suicide?
- Thought? Intent? Plan? (3/2/1 = high/moderate/low risk)
- What prevents you from ending your life?
2) Risk to self (not deliberate)
- Pressure sores, dehydration, malnutrition
- Medications, falls, accidental fires, self neglect, dementia
- Reckless behaviour (driving, alcohol/drugs, gambling, poor financial decisions)
3) Risk to others (deliberate)
- Seeing others as suffering, wanting to end that
- Believing others are trying to harm you
- Fire/arson/theft
4) Risk to others (not deliberate)
- Gambling, alcohol use, driving
- Do they have children/dependents?
5) Risk from others
- Safeguarding issues, theft, abuse
Mental State Examination
Appearance + behaviour, Mood/Affect, Speech, Thought, Perception, Cognition, Insight
Appearance & Behaviour
- Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Occupation
- Dress + self care: Provocative –> disinhibited. Dischevelled –> depression or schizophrenia.
- Manner: Were they inappropriate with you?
- Posture and Movement: Helpful/hostile? Amiable/aggressive? Tense/relaxed/overactive? tardive dyskinesia –> antipsychotic use.
- Easy to build rapport?
Mood & Affect
- Mood: subjectively (report what patient says)
- Affect: objectively (expansive, euthymic, blunted, depressed.
- Rate, Rhythm, Volume, Tone
- Pressure or poverty of speech
- Were they coherent?
- Content: Thought insertion, withdrawal, broadcasting?
- Form: Pressure or poverty of thought? Thought blocking? Loosening of Association? Flight of ideas?
- Overvalued ideas (delusions), hallucinations, illusions Depersonalisation (feeling one’s thoughts aren’t ones own), Derealisation (Feeling one’s surroundings aren’t real)
- Orientation: To time, place, person
- Attention: Subjective report. Serial 7s (or count 20-1), spell WORLD backwards
- Memory: Immediate, recent, remote
- Grasp: Current prime minister? current topical events?
- Do you think you are unwell in any way? mentally unwell?
- If so, what do you think is wrong?
- Do you need any treatment?
- If so, what will make you better?
Also present risk assessment
Self harm approach
-Impulsive or planned (stockpiling pills, steps to avoid discovery)
- Made will/suicide note
- Drugs and/or alcohol
- Psychotic symptoms (e.g. command hallucinations)
- Chosen method of suicide
- Perceived lethality? Actual lethality?
- Drugs and or alcohol at the time
- How were they found and brought to hospital?
- Regret about attempt or regret about failure
- Compliance with medical intervention
Presenting psych management plan
Confirm diagnosis
- Full Hx and physical examination
- Collateral Hx
- Basic tests to rule out organic disease (FBC, urine dip and urine drug screen)
Location of Rx
- Ideally manage in the community under CMHT or Crisis resolution team (or Early Intervention Service, EIS, if <35)
- However, if high risk, admit first
- Ideally informally, however if not compliant, use section … of Mental Health Act)
- Bio, Psycho, Social approach
- Short term: stabilise patient with [medication/therapy] with the aim of returning them to their state before this acute episode
- Long term: once stabilised, offer (prophylactic?) medication and therapy (CBT, psychodynamic therapy…) with the overall aim of getting to the root of the problem and reintegrating the patient into the community
Psych disorder heirarchy (with ICD-10)
Organic disorders (F00-09) - F00: Dementia - F05: Delirium Substance use disorders (F10-19) - F10: Alcohol use disorder Psychotic disorders (F20-29) - F20: Chronic psychotic disorder - F23: Acute psychotic disorder Mood/Affective disorders (F30-39) - F31: bipolar - F32: depression Neurotic disorders (stress/anxiety): (F40-49) - F40: phobia - F41: panic dosorder (41.1 generalised, 41.2 associated w/depression) - F43: Adjustment disorder - F44: dissociative disorder - F45: unexplained somatic symptoms - F48: neurasthenia Physiological disorders (F50-59) - F50: Eating disorder - F51: Sleeping disorder - F52: Sexual disorder Personality disorder (F60-69) Developmental disorders (F70-79) - F70: Mental retardation Disorders of childhood (F90-99) - F90: Hyperkinetic disorder - F91: Conduct disorder - F98: Enuresis
Dementia vs Delirium
Onset: acute vs gradual Duration: hours to weeks vs months+ Course: Sudden vs gradual Altered consciousness: Yes vs No Hallucinations: Yes vs only if severe Altered sleep/wake cycle: Yes vs No
Differential diagnosis for dementia/delirium
Fall Hx: Subdural haematoma
Incontinence: Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Sexual Hx: HIV and/or syphillis
Vascular Hx: Vascular dementia
Family Hx: Huntington’s
Rapidly fluctuating symptoms: Lewy-body dementia
Assessing cognition
AMTS: 10Qs, could be asked to do in the exam
1) Age
2) Current time
- [Give an address, e.g. 42 West Street]
3) Current location
4) Current year
5) Recognise 2 people
6) DOB
7) Dates of e.g. WW2
8) Current Prime Minister
9) Count from 20 to 1
10) Recall address
MMSE: Score out of 30, template given in exam
Addenbrooke’s cognitive assessment: Score out of 100, picks things up sooner but takes around 15 mins
Frontal lobe testing
- Verbal fluency: name as many words beginning with A in 60s (>10 is OK)
- Cognitive estimates: Educated guessing. e.g. “how many camels are there in Holland?” or “how tall is the average woman”
- Abstract reasoning: explain a proverb, e.g. “let the cat out of the bag”
Depression screening (DQ2, DQ9, Hamilton score): all useful as depression is a common cause of apparent cognitive impairment.
Dementia: definition & types
Definition: Disorder of 5 As
- Anterograde amnesia
- Agnosia
- Apraxia
- Aphasia
- Executive function (abstract reasoning)
- Most common
- Insidious onset memory loss, distant memories relatively well preserved
- Apathy, occasional depression and paranoid features
- Risk factors: Age, low IQ, FHx, Down’s, previous mental health issues (>1 major depressive episode), previous head trauma
Vascular dementia
- Insidious onset (ischaemic) or step-wise progression (multi-infarct)
- Known vascular Hx or disease
- See changes on CT or MRI unlike Alzheimers
Pick’s disease
- Disinhibition and severe mood lability
Lewy-body dementia
- Motor symptoms of Parkinson’s
- Visual hallucinations and fluctuating consciousness
- Dx is important, severe sensitivity to antipsychotics
Dementia: Investigations and managememt
Dementia screen:
- Blood (U&E, LFT, TFT, FBC, B12, Folate, CRP, Calcium)
- Full neuro exam and more detailed cognitive assessment (MMSE or Addenbrooke)
- Urinalysis (UTI, drugs)
- Syphillis serology, antibody screen, CT scan, serum cholesterol
- MDT approach, involve family and carers
- Refer to memory clinic
- Alzheimers: If MMSE 10-20: Give donezipil (cholinesterase inhibitor), 6/12 follow up: 1/3 benefit, 1/3 somewhat improve, 1/3 bad side effects
Delirium: Definition and symptoms
Definition: Acute clouding of consciousness –> acute confusional state
- Clouding of consciousness and reduced awareness of surroundings
- Impaired cognition
- Disorientation to time, place, person
- Hallucinations
- Varied rate of speech
- Psychomotor: rapid, random shifts between hypo and hyperactivity
- Sleep wake cycle disturbance
Delirium: Causes and Management
Causes: DIMTOP Drugs (Alcohol/analgesia, Beta-blockers, Corticosteroids, Digoxin) Infection (UTI, pneumonia, meningitis) Metabolic Trauma (head) Oxygen (lack of) Poisoning
- Treat underlying cause
- Reduce environmental stimulation, help reorientate with a room with lots of clocks, calendars etc
- Antipsychotics/Benzodiazepines are a last resort, used only if at immediate risk to self or others
Substance use definitions
Acute intoxication
- reversible physical and mental abnormalities caused directly by use of a given substance
At risk use
- Substance use at levels which, if continues, are likely to cause physical and/or mental harm
Harmful use
- Continued substance use despite evidence of harm caused (often downplayed by user), including physical, mental, social, familial.
- Includes physical (biological adaptations to taking the drug) and mental (altered behaviours to support taking the drug)
- If dependent, patient suffers symptoms due to absence of the drug. Symptoms usually opposite those of acute intoxication (e.g. agitation and insomnia from BDZ withdrawal)
Alcohol abuse: screening/diagnosis
CAGE screening questionairre:
- C: Ever felt you should Cut down?
- A: Anyone ever Annoyed you by criticising your drinking?
- G: Ever felt Guilty about your drinking
- E: Ever had an Eye opener?
- Score of 2 or more raises concerns
AUDIT is a more detailed questionairre for alcohol abuse
Longitudinal approach: When was your first drink? When did you realise it was a problem? Previous efforts to cut down?
Cross sectional approach: Current effects of drinking (physical, mental, social (jobs/relationships, police))?
CIWA-Ar is a tool to formally assess alcohol withdrawal. Around 50% of alcoholics get clinical symptoms of withdrawal.